What does [X] mean in concept_name?

Hi, all.
I have quick question. What does [X] mean in concept_name?
Vocabulary is SNOMED. Can I use these code?

@DoyeopKim Could you show some example concept_ids?


For examlple,
concept_id: 44794640
concept_name: [X]Disorders of the gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas
domain: condition
concept_class: clinical finding
vacabulary: SNOMED
standard_concept: S

I think i can use this code, because this concept_id is standard.
But “[X]” makes me confused.
Can you tell me the meaning of [X]? Can I use this code?


That’s a historical artefact. In the Read vocabulary, [X] meant concept derived from ICD-10. When SNOMED-RT and Read were merged, these were all poured into the new SNOMED-CT, and then later sequestered into the SNOMED UK-Version (which we implemented because of the Read codes in CPRD and THIN). SNOMED is phasing them out. Sooner or later they will be gone entirely.

Same is true for [V] and [Q] (observations and qualifiers from ICD-9), [SO] (anatomical sites from OPCS) and [M] (morphology terms from ICD-O).

Don’t use them, just ignore them.


Thank you for reply!