What does the field SIG in the table DRUG_EXPOSURE means?

Hi all,
What information should put in the field SIG? Could anybody provide me an example of it?

I have the same question, I think in the variable “sig” should put the frequency of medication, like qd,bid,tid qid and st. Furthermore, In the variable “quantity” should put the dose of madication or the whole quantity of a day? What information should be put in “day supply”?

Sig is the field for any information that comes with the prescription (e.g. take one pill three times a day after meal). Although you can put any information related to drug exposures there, this field won’t be used in any standardized analysis and therefore is rarely populated.
@Xinwei Quantity contains the number of units of a drug (# of syringes, tablets, packs etc.) for the whole drug exposure (prescription or administration) and days_supply contains the number of days of this exposure.

Thx for your Information!


Thanks Anna.

What do you think about standardizing SIG?
Are there any use cases when reasearchers needed this and Quantity / days supply weren’t enough to calculate the exact dosage?

You either need DAYS_SUPPLY or SIG.