- 各施設でのOMOP-CDMの構築へむけて
- 技術的なことだけでなく、組織内でどう話を持っていくかも含めて
- Source Dataを持っている施設の方+CDM構築者(受託者)
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日本のレセプトの点数は、本来的にはStandardized health economicsのCostに入ってくる形でしょうか?
Korea has nation-wide insurance system. When we converted national insurance claim database into OMOP-CDM, we used total_charge, total_cost, total_paid (in our case, total_charge = total_paid), paid_by_payer (cost paid by the insurance), and paid_by_patient (cost paid by the patient).
Even though OMOP-CDM has comprehensive cost table, we’ve not had any use-case for it.
We released the code and the document for ETL (https://github.com/OHDSI/ETL---Korean-NSC). But sorry, it’s in Korean.
Thank you, Chan!
Since recent Excel has a translator, we can understand it even in Korean.
Points to consider at Japanese claims ETL are;
We will toss around various things based on the assumed use cases.
Thank you very much Chan! (English version is below)
I’m sorry it’s been a long time, but I would like to move forward with specific considerations on how to include costs in Japanese receipt.
As Professor Hiramatsu has pointed out, the Japanese receipt does not only have a one-to-one relationship between procedure and the medical points (cost), so how about implementing the following as an initial idea?
1.Create a cost table (standardized health economics) and aggregate costs into it.
2.For procedures, drags, equipment, etc., the number of points that are connected one-to-one is
made a record and connected by cost_event_id.
3.Create a total score record and link it with a separate receipt ID.
I don’t know much about the contents and handling of receipt and OMOP, so I would be very grateful if you could give me some advice!