Weekly OHDSI Digest - January 29, 2023


Please join our next community call on Tuesday, Jan. 30 (11 am ET) for the Introduction to Phenotype Phebruary, a community-wide initiative to both develop and evaluate phenotypes for health outcomes that could be investigated by the community. This will be the third Phenotype Phebruary for OHDSI, and you can check out the results from both our 2022 and 2023 efforts.

We will hear from leaders from the Study-A-Thon during the call:

• Azza Shoaibi - Director, Observational Health Data Analytics, Janssen Research and Development

• Anna Ostropolets - Associate Director, Observational Health Data Analytics, Janssen Research and Development

• Jamie Weaver - Associate Director, Observational Health Data Analytics, Janssen Research and Development

Everybody is invited. Calendar invites went out last week. If you did not receive one, please use this link to join the meeting. All recordings from these weekly calls are available within our Teams environment and will be posted on both our YouTube page and our OHDSI.org Community Calls page.


Upcoming Workgroup Calls – OHDSI


• Congratulations to the team of Sujin Gan, Chungsoo Kim, Dong Yun Lee, and Rae Woong Park on the publication of Prediction Models for Readmission Using Home Healthcare Notes and OMOP-CDM in Volume 310 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Scott L. DuVall, Craig G. Parker, Amanda R. Shields, Patrick R. Alba, Julie A. Lynch, Michael E. Matheny, and Aaron W.C. Kamauu on the publication of Toward Real-World Reproducibility: Verifying Value Sets for Clinical Research in Volume 310 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Piper Ranallo, Bronwyn Southwell, Christopher Tignanelli, Steven G. Johnson, Richard Krueger, Tess Sevareid-Groth, Adam Carvel, and Genevieve B. Melton on the publication of Promoting Learning Health System Cycles by Optimizing EHR Data Clinical Concept Encoding Processes in Volume 310 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of ChulHyoung Park, Sang Jun Park, Da Yun Lee, Seng Chan You, Kihwang Lee, and Rae Woong Park on the publication of Multi-Institutional Collaborative Research Using Ophthalmic Medical Image Data Standardized by Radiology Common Data Model (R-CDM) in Volume 310 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Seol Whan Oh, Soo Jeong Ko, Yun Seon Im, Surin Jung, Bo Yeon Choi, Jae Yoon Kim, Sunghyeon Park, Wona Choi, and In Young Choi on the publication of Development of Integrated Data Quality Management System for Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model in Volume 310 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Martijn Schuemie, Jenna Reps, Adam Black, Frank Defalco, Lee Evans, Egill Fridgeirsson, James P. Gilbert, Chris Knoll, Martin Lavallee, Gowtham A. Rao, Peter Rijnbeek, Katy Sadowski, Anthony Sena, Joel Swerdel, Ross D. Williams, and Marc Suchard on the publication of Health-Analytics Data to Evidence Suite (HADES): Open-Source Software for Observational Research in Volume 310 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Jiyun Cha, Eun Kyoung Ahn, Young-Heum Yoon, and Man Young Park on the publication of Feasibility of Applying the OMOP Common Data Model to Traditional Eastern Asian Medicine Dataset in Volume 310 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Najia Ahmadi, Quang Vu Nguyen, Martin Sedlmayr, and Markus Wolfien on the publication of A comparative patient-level prediction study in OMOP CDM: applicative potential and insights from synthetic data in Scientific Reports.


• February community calls will focus on both Phenotype Phebruary updates and 2024 OKR announcements by our various workgroups. All workgroup leads/representatives should sign up for one of the upcoming community calls using this link.

• Research from the 2023 Global Symposium Collaborator Showcase can be viewed on the Global Symposium Showcase page. Research is also being shared daily on OHDSI’s LinkedIn, Twitter/X and Instagram feeds as part of the #OHDSISocialShowcase. Below are posters (with study leads) that are featured this week:

Monday — Transforming the Optum® Enriched Oncology module to OMOP CDM (Dmitry Dymshyts)

Tuesday — Community Contribution to the OHDSI Vocabularies: moving towards collaborative shared resource (Oleg Zhuk)

Wednesday — Evaluating confounding adjustment when sample size is small (Martijn Schuemie)

Thursday — Using a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Approach for Gap Analysis of OHDSI/ATLAS as An Enterprise Self-Service Analytics Platform by Academic Medical Centers (Selvin Soby)

Friday — Risk of aortic aneurysm or dissection following exposure to fluoroquinolone antibiotics (Jack Jenetzki)

HADES Development Updates

• Martijn Schuemie announced the release of SelfControlledCaseSeries 5.1.1. This contains a fix of a minor bug introduced in 5.1.0.

Job Openings

Linying Zhang shared openings for both a Postdoc and a Senior Data Analyst at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Successful candidates will work on causal machine learning and responsible AI for reliable real-world evidence generation. Interested applicants should send a CV and cover letter to linyingz@wustl.edu.

The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill CTSA is hiring a Research Informatics Specialist. This is a remote position (US only, with mostly East Coast hours). This person will join a skilled and highly collaborative team of data analysts, software developers, and data scientists within our CTSA. The core purpose of this position is to support the All of Us Center for Linkage and Acquisition of Data project. We are looking for folks with SQL and health care and/or claims data experience, especially OMOP.

There is an opening for a Data Steward position at the EBMT. Among the responsibilities is the design, implementation and testing of new data collection processes including data collection forms (DCFs) development, as well as the mapping of new items from DCFs to the OM


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