Weekly OHDSI Digest - 7Dec2020

OHDSI STATEMENT ON COVID-19 OHDSI is committed to doing what it can to support and inform the COVID-19 pandemic response, and will prioritize activities aligned to this effort. As we adjust to the current global situation, the OHDSI community will continue to have our regular Tuesday community calls, as well as our various working group calls. Understandably, some calls could be postponed or cancelled due to issues surrounding COVID-19, so we ask that you continuously check the OHDSI forums, weekly digest and social channels for updated information. OHDSI is a virtual community, so we are equipped to continue collaboration during this challenging time.


OMOP CDM Oncology Work group - Genomic Subgroup Meeting: Tuesday, December 8 at 9am ET
Meeting link:https://us04web.zoom.us/j/412862164?pwd=NmpEWTdTQlB4N3VxT0tQRXdDWlg0dz09
Wiki: https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=projects:workgroups:oncology-sg

OMOP CDM Oncology Work Group- Development Subgroup Meeting: Wednesday, Dec. 9 at 10am
Meeting link: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Wiki: https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=projects:workgroups:oncology-sg

Objectives of Oncology work groups: Extend OMOP CDM/Vocabulary and OHDSI analytic platform to support observational cancer research

Natural Language Processing Work Group: Wednesday, Dec. 9 at 2pm ET
Meeting link: The Page Cannot be found
Wiki: projects:workgroups:nlp-wg [Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics]
Objective of the NLP Work Group:
The primary goal of the NLP working group is to promote the use of textual information from Electronic Health Records (EHRs) for observational studies under the OHDSI umbrella. To facilitate this objective, the group will develop methods and software that can be implemented to utilize clinical text for studies by the OHDSI community.

Psychiatry Work Group: Thursday, Dec. 10 at 8am ET
Meeting link: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Wiki: projects:workgroups:psychiatry [Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics]
Objectives of the Psychiatry work group:
To address the different challenges of data harmonization across areas of psychiatry
To better understand the vocabularies used across the specialty
To decide what is necessary to move current data into the OMOP model
To help each other understand and learn from experiences
Audience: Everybody who has an interest in the improvement of the OMOP Common Data Model and Standardized Vocabularies from a psychiatry perspective to meet all needs and use cases. Meeting information is below.

Electronic Health Record Work Group: Friday, December 11 at 10am ET
Meeting link: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Wiki: projects:workgroups:ehr-wg [Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics]
Objectives of work group:
To provide support for transforming source EHR data to the CDM
To discuss and provide guidance on CDM conventions and logic
To discuss proposals for CDM structure and vocabulary changes
To help each other and learn from experiences
And any other OHDSI, CDM, or EHR topics


Video Recordings from 2020 OHDSI Symposium - Recordings from the 2020 OHDSI symposium day have been made available here: https://www.ohdsi.org/2020-ohdsi-global-symposium/

Accessing MSTeams - OHDSI meetings are transitioning to MSTeams. If you attended the 2020 OHDSI Symposium, you are already in the OHDSI teams environment. If you would like to be added to the OHDSI teams environment, please fill out this form: Microsoft Forms

If you are already in the OHDSI teams environment and you would like to join work groups in teams, please fill out this form: Microsoft Forms
*note that not all work groups are currently taking place in teams but we plan to transition shortly

2020 OHDSI APAC Symposium - The symposium took place place December 5-6, and highlighted three ways our APAC community collaborates together: Learning, Sharing and Doing!
Please look for recordings to be posted this week on a new APAC Symposium page, which will be available under the APAC dropdown on OHDSI.org.


Towards clinical data-driven eligibility criteria optimization for interventional COVID-19 clinical trials


Pseudo-likelihood based logistic regression for estimating COVID-19 infection and case fatality rates by gender, race, and age in California


Advanced Methods for Big Data Analytics in Women’s Health


Not All C-sections Are the Same: Investigating Emergency vs. Elective C-section deliveries as an Adverse Pregnancy Outcome


Transforming the Medication Regimen Review Process Using Telemedicine to Prevent Adverse Events


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