Weekly OHDSI Digest - 5June2017


CDM and Vocabulary Development WG Meeting - Tuesday at 1pmET

Patient-level prediction (Eastern hemisphere) workgroup meeting - Wednesday at 3pm Hong Kong time

Population-Level Estimation (Western hemisphere) WG Meeting - Wednesday at 12pm ET

Hadoop WG meeting - Friday at 11am ET
WebEx: http://cloudera.webex.com/meet/sdolley


2017 OHDSI Symposium - The date and location for the 2017 OHDSI Symposium has been confirmed! This year’s symposium will take place on Wednesday, October 18th at the Bethesda North Marriott. Full-day tutorial sessions will take place on October 19-20th. Registration will open tomorrow, June 6th.

Call for Sponsorship - Currently we’ve raised $87K in sponsorship funds and are almost halfway to our goal of $200K. To reach this goal, we’re reaching out to the entire community for sponsors to support this important event and allow us to build upon the success of past symposia. More details: OHDSI Symposium 2017 - call for sponsorship

Engagement Opportunity - i2b2/tranSMART is looking to work with OHDSI collaborators to further support OMOP interoperability. Contact @krfeeney for more details.

Wisdom begins in wonder.

  • Socrates


Developing a framework for digital objects in the Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) commons: Report from the Commons Framework Pilots workshop

smartAPI: Towards a More Intelligent Network of Web APIs

The Power of the Case Narrative - Can it be Brought to Bear on Duplicate Detection?

Journal:Ten simple rules to enable multi-site collaborations through data sharing

Evidence appraisal: a scoping review, conceptual framework, and research agenda

What We Need to Prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Renal Protective Effect of DPP-4 Inhibitors in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Cohort Study.

Cancer quantification from data mining to artificial intelligence.

Advantages of involving patients in the guidelines development

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