Weekly OHDSI Digest-30Jan2023


Please join our Jan. 31 community call (11 am ET) for an introduction to Phenotype Phebruary. This community-wide initiative is meant to both develop and evaluate phenotypes for health outcomes that could be investigated by the community. Before the Feb. 1 kickoff, we will learn about the initiative from:

Patrick Ryan — Vice President, Observational Health Data Analytics, Janssen Research and Development, Inc.; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Columbia University

Gowtham Rao — Senior Director, Observational Health Data Analytics, Janssen Research and Development, Inc.; Phenotype Development & Evaluation Workgroup Lead

Azza Shoaibi — Associate Director, Observational Health Data Analytics, Janssen Research and Development, Inc.; OHDSI2022 presenter on “OHDSI Phenotype Phebruary: lessons learned”

Everybody is invited. Calendar invites went out last week. If you did not receive one, please use this link to join the meeting. All recordings from these weekly calls will be posted on both our main OHDSI Teams tenant and on our OHDSI.org Community Calls page.


Upcoming Workgroup Calls – OHDSI


Congratulations to the team of Ines Reinecke, Joscha Siebel, Saskia Fuhrmann, Andreas Fischer, Martin Sedlmayr, Jens Weidner, and Franziska Bathelt on the publication of Assessment and Improvement of Drug Data Structuredness From Electronic Health Records: Algorithm Development and Validation in JMIR Medical Informatics.

Congratulations to the team of Junqing Xie, James T. Brash, Cigdem Turkmen, Stefan Driessen, Giustino Varrassi, George Argyriou, Sarah Seager, Christian Reich and Daniel Prieto-Alhambra on the publication of Risk of COVID-19 Diagnosis and Hospitalisation in Patients with Osteoarthritis or Back Pain Treated with Ibuprofen Compared to Other NSAIDs or Paracetamol: A Network Cohort Study in Drugs.

Congratulations to the team of Hao Luo, Wallis C. Y. Lau, Yi Chai, Carmen Olga Torre, Robert Howard, Kathy Y. Liu, Xiaoyu Lin, Can Yin, Stephen Fortin, David M. Kern, Dong Yun Lee, Rae Woong Park, Jae-Won Jang, Celine S. L. Chui, Jing Li, Christian Reich, Kenneth K. C. Man, and Ian C. K. Wong on the publication of Rates of Antipsychotic Drug Prescribing Among People Living With Dementia During the COVID-19 Pandemic in JAMA Psychiatry.


Anna Ostropolets introduced a vocabulary landscape assessment survey to directly inform which vocabularies and activities the vocabulary team prioritizes in 2023. More information on this survey is posted below, and the deadline is Feb. 23.

• The Save Our Sisyphus Network Study event begins in late March, but we are currently looking for an interesting research question to kick off this event. If you have one and would like to serve as P.I. for this global collaboration, please fill out this form.

DevCon is returning in 2023. After our successful first event last year, DevCon 2023 will be held April 21 within the Teams environment. Calendar invites will be sent out at a later date.

• Save The Date! The 2023 OHDSI Global Symposium is scheduled for Oct. 20-22. The location and more details will be shared when available.

• There have been several recent releases from the HADES development team over the last week. Martijn Schuemie announced the release of SqlRender 1.12.0 and DatabaseConnector 6.0.0, and Chris Knoll announced the release of CirceR 1.3.0. You can read more about the new releases on this forum post.

• ICPE 2023 will be held in person Aug. 23-27 at the Halifax Convention Center in Nova Scotia, Canada. The call for abstracts is happening right now, and the deadline is Feb. 13, 2023.

• The CBER BEST Seminar Series returns Wednesday, Feb. 8, at 11 am ET, as 2022 Titan Award recipient Fan Bu will provide a presentation on Bayesian Safety Surveillance with Adaptive Bias Correction. More information and a registration link is available here.

• All workgroups should plan to share their 2023 OKRs during a February community call. If you are a workgroup lead, please sign up for a 3:00 minute slot on one of the four calls using this form.

OHDSI Social Showcase

The #OHDSISocialShowcase continues this week, as all the research from the OHDSI Symposium collaborator showcase will be presented on the Twitter and LinkedIn social feeds over the next several months. You can see the research and the respective leads that will be shared this week.

Monday: Constructing vaccine vocabulary hierarchy using formal concept analysis (Adam Black)

Tuesday: OHDSI Phenotype Phebruary: lessons learned (Azza Shoaibi**)**

Wednesday: Adjusting for Healthcare Utilization Improves the Performance of Self-Controlled Case Series Studies using Electronic Health Records (Undina Gisladottir)

Thursday: Delirium prediction in patients with trauma and comparison of predictors across trauma center and non-trauma center (Su Jin Gan**)**
Friday: The OHDSI Community Dashboard: Tracking the Health and Impact of the Open Science Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics Community (Star Liu)


Dani Prieto-Alhambra recently shared an opening for a Database Programmer to join the Health Data Sciences research group at the University of Oxford. According to the posting, you will develop new database applications for big clinical data to meet project requirements and deadlines, provide software feedback and carry out software improvement, extension, integration and further development on existing code. You will contribute to the harmonisation, curation, and processing of large clinical datasets and develop code to validate, test, document and maintain database applications. The full ad and application link are available here, and the closing date is Feb. 27, 2023.


Accessing MSTeams: To join OHDSI Teams, please fill out this form: Join OHDSI Teams
If you are already in the OHDSI Teams environment and you would like to join work groups in teams, please fill out this form: Join Workgroups, Chapters, and Studies

Teams Best Practices and Guidance: For guidance on MS Teams, please check out this link

Duplicate email removal from OHDSI Teams: As you should always be using one email in OHDSI Teams when joining all workgroups, you may remove duplicate emails by filling out this form

Please continue to collaborate in our MS Teams environment, check out the OHDSI website and forums , and follow us on all platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn to get continued updates and information on everything happening in our community