Weekly OHDSI Digest - 26Jun2017


Patient-level prediction (Western hemisphere) workgroup meeting - Wednesday at 12pm ET

Population-Level Estimation (Eastern hemisphere) WG Meeting - Wednesday at 3pm Hong Kong time

Architecture WG meeting - Thursday at 1pm ET
Webex: https://jjconferencing.webex.com/mw3000/mywebex/default.do?service=1&main_url=%2Fmc3000%2Fe.do%3Fsiteurl%3Djjconferencing%26AT%3DMI%26EventID%3D283835502%26MTID%3Dmb7e839a762fbdaab0608f27500679223%26Host%3DQUhTSwAAAASTOYBxx2KWYTIL7ZSgHgHJoIHctjgxp8k5mgqAEPo2a1ESa12-8hjAVWbZznuDt96ugkT31G8sY5iSWLRwSwhI0%26FrameSet%3D2&siteurl=jjconferencing&nomenu=true


Hadoop Hack-A-Thon - Our first Hadoop Hack-A-Thon is taking place this week (June 28-29th) at QuintilesIMS. Details, including travel and accommodation, are available here: Hadoop Hack-a-thon June 28-29 – OHDSI

Call for Sponsorship - To fund the 2017 symposium we need to raise $200K to cover operating costs of venue rental, lunch, audio/visuals and recordings fees. We’re reaching out to the entire community for sponsors who want to support this important event and allow us to build upon the success of past symposia. More details: OHDSI Symposium 2017 - call for sponsorship

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

  • Mark Twain


Predicting Biomedical Metadata in CEDAR: a Study of Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO).

Antibiotic Use in Children - A Cross-National Analysis of 6 Countries.

Using Rich Data on Comorbidities in Case-Control Study Design with Electronic Health Record Data Improves Control of Confounding in the Detection of Adverse Drug Reactions.

Update on Incidence of Herpes Zoster Among Children and Adolescents After Implementation of Varicella Vaccination, Antelope Valley, CA, 2000 to 2010.

UPDATE: There is no Architecture work group meeting this week. The next Architecture meeting will be July 13th.