Gold Standard Phenotype Library WG meeting - Tuesday at 9am ET
URL: https://gatech.webex.com/webappng/sites/gatech/meeting/info/128704664173552569?MTID=mdd4af3e9b84212fc7df3eb0150703df5
The Book of OHDSI working group meeting - Tuesday at 11am ET
Zoom URL: Launch Meeting - Zoom
OHDSI Community Call - Tuesday at 12pm ET
URL: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M59X2V1U61WC9ASID2Z5N3UT95-D1JL&rnd=96139.930901412523321531221112212141232121131213113112112121536
Pharmacovigilance Evidence Investigation (PEI) WG call - Wednesday at 9am ET
URL: https://meet.lync.com/jnj-its/evoss3/Q7P48H1D
ATLAS workgroup meeting - Wednesday at 10am ET
URL: https://jjconferencing.webex.com/webappng/sites/jjconferencing/meeting/info/129429150951851372?MTID=mca074ae1ff6eb7d80245d36b59188c80
Population-Level Estimation WG (Western Hemisphere) - Thursday at 12pm ET*
URL: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M3T9BZV9RSB6YNDM8WDDZMI19D-D1JL
You can find a full list of upcoming OHDSI meetings here: 2020 OHDSI Workgroup Meetings - Google Docs
Looking for presenters for upcoming OHDSI community calls We are looking for collaborators to share their work on upcoming OHDSI calls. If you are interested in presenting on an upcoming OHDSI call please email me at beaton@ohdsi.org
2019 OHDSI Symposium - TUTORIALS There’s still time to register for tutorials at this year’s OHDSISymposium. Tutorials are set to take September 15th and 17th. More details about tutorials being offered is available here: https://www.ohdsi.org/tutorialworkshops2019/
Register for tutorials here: Tutorial Workshops Registration – OHDSI
2019 OHDSI Symposium - Women in Real-World Analytics Leadership Forum As part of the 2019 OHDSI Symposium, the Women of OHDSI group will be hosting a leadership forum which is set to take place from 6-8pm on Sunday, September 15th at the Bethesda North Marriott in North Bethesda, MD. For more details and to RSVP, check out our event page: 2019 Women in Real-World Analytics Leadership Forum – OHDSI
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
Margaret Mead
Standardized Observational Cancer Research Using the OMOP CDM Oncology Module.
FAIR Principles for Clinical Practice Guidelines in a Learning Health System.
Extending Achilles Heel Data Quality Tool with New Rules Informed by Multi-Site Data Quality Comparison.
Crowdsourcing Public Opinion for Sharing Medical Records for the Advancement of Science.
SNOMEDtxt: Natural Language Generation from SNOMED Ontology.
Network Analysis of Citation in Hypertension Clinical Guidelines.
Integration of FHIR to Facilitate Electronic Case Reporting: Results from a Pilot Study.
Construction of Disease Similarity Networks Using Concept Embedding and Ontology.
Detecting Systemic Data Quality Issues in Electronic Health Records
A Privacy-Preserving Infrastructure for Analyzing Personal Health Data in a Vertically Partitioned Scenario.
A plea to stop using the case-control design in retrospective database studies.