Weekly OHDSI Digest-22Mar2023


Please join our May 23 community call (11 am ET) for the final tutorial in the SOS Challenge. Week 9 will focus on the dissemination of results, and the session will be led by Cindy Cai (Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins University).

Please remember that all recordings, as well as key links for this event, are available on the SOS Challenge homepage.

Everybody is invited. Calendar invites went out last week. If you did not receive one, please use this link to join the meeting. All recordings from these weekly calls will be posted on both our main OHDSI Teams tenant and on our OHDSI.org Community Calls page.

SOS Challenge Week 9 • Focus: Disseminating the Results

Tutorial 1: Cindy Cai (Tuesday, 11 am ET): Meeting Link

Tutorial 2: Jack Janetzki and Hung Jo (Tuesday, 7 pm ET): Meeting Link

For more information on the SOS Challenge, links to study-related materials, schedules, meeting links and more, please visit the event homepage.

WEEKLY WORKING GROUP MEETINGS (please check with meeting organizers as some meeting may cancel due to the Memorial Weekend Holiday)

Upcoming Workgroup Calls – OHDSI


• Congratulations to OHDSI veteran Thamir Alshammari on earning the distinction of being one of the 15 new ISPE fellows for 2023. The new Fellows will be officially inducted at the Annual Members’ Meeting & Awards Ceremony scheduled for Saturday, August 26th at the Halifax Convention Center, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

• Congratulations to the team of Tiffany Callahan, Adrianne Stefanski, Jordan Wyrwa, Chenjie Zeng, Anna Ostropolets, Juan Banda, William Baumgartner Jr., Richard Boyce, Elena Casiraghi, Ben Coleman, Janine Collins, Sara Deakyne Davies, James Feinstein, Asiyah Lin, Blake Martin, Nicolas Matentzoglu, Daniella Meeker, Justin Reese, Jessica Sinclair, Sanya Taneja, Katy Trinkley, Nicole Vasilevsky, Andrew Williams, Xingmin Zhang, Joshua Denny, Patrick Ryan, George Hripcsak, Tellen Bennett, Melissa Haendel, Peter Robinson, Lawrence Hunter & Michael Kahn on the publication of Ontologizing health systems data at scale: making translational discovery a reality in NPJ Digital Medicine.

• Congratulations to the team of Romina Blasini, Achim Michel-Backofen, Henning Schneider, and Kurt Marquardt on the publication of RD-MON – Building a Rare Disease Monitor to Enhance Awareness for Patients with Rare Diseases in Intensive Care in Vol. 301 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Seol Whan Oh, Soo Jeong Ko, Yun Seon Im, Surin Jung, Bo Yeon Choi, Jae Yoon Kim, Wona Choi, and In Young Choi on the publication of Data Quality Assessment for Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model of Multi-Center in Vol. 301 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Elisa Henke, Michéle Zoch, Ines Reinecke, Melissa Spoden, Thomas Ruhnke, Christian Günster, Martin Sedlmayr, and Franziska Bathelt on the publication of German Claims Data for Real-World Research: Content Coverage Evaluation in OMOP CDM in Vol. 301 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Florian Katsch, Rada Hussein, Raffael Korntheuer, and Georg Duftschmid on the publication of Converting HL7 CDA Based Nationwide Austrian Medication Data to OMOP CDM in Vol. 301 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Markus Haug, Raivo Kolde, Marek Oja, and Maarja Pajusalu on the publication of Modeling Patient Treatment Trajectories Using Markov Chains for Cost Analysis in Vol. 301 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Yuan Peng, Elisa Henke, Martin Sedlmayr, and Franziska Bathelt on the publication of Towards ETL Processes to OMOP CDM Using Metadata and Modularization in Vol. 301 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Ines Reinecke, Elisa Henke, Yuan Peng, Martin Sedlmayr, and Franziska Bathelt on the publication of Fitness for Use of Anatomical Therapeutic Classification for Real World Data Research in Vol. 301 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.


EHealth Hub For Cancer is funding 5 PhD students to work on cutting-edge cancer health data science research. These fully funded PhD studentships include a tax-free stipend (with fees paid) along with expenses, and 12-month travel to partner sites and materials are available. The program is being coordinated by Aedin Culhane in the School of Medicine, University of Limerick, Ireland, and the team is looking for students with a background in statistics, epidemiologists, bioinformatics, computational biology, software engineering or a related quantitative discipline. Please see this form for more details and application information; the deadline is 15 June 2023.

• The PIONEER team is leading a studyathon June 13-16 in Stockholm, Sweden, with a focus on “Observational health data analysis on the adverse events of systemic treatment in patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer” and is looking for participation from the OHDSI community, and specifically members of the Oncology WG. This will be a hybrid event so online participation is welcome. If you are interested in learning more, please fill out this form. PIONEER are especially looking for: collaborators with data on metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer already in the OMOP-CDM; experts with coding skills in R, SQL and Python; data analysts familiar with R and R Shiny; and epidemiologists with experience in phenotyping.

• The new Community Dashboard is now available on OHDSI.org. The dashboard includes tracking sites for publications, YouTube videos, EHDEN Academy courses, network studies, the phenotype explorer, and opportunities.

HADES Development Announcements

Martin Lavallee announced the release of Capr 2.0.3. This release includes a trio of patch changes, including the addition of an opAttribute super Class, a new version of purrr (v1.0.1) for list_flatten bug, and an update to github workflow versions.

Frank DeFalco announced the release of Achilles 1.7.2. Achilles, which is now available on CRAN, has been brought in line with HADES package standards.

Katy Sadowski announced that DataQualityDashboard 2.3.0 has been released. This release contains 2 new features:

  • New sqlOnly option that generates SQL queries which will insert DQ check results into a database table, and which can union check SQLs for improved performance
  • Function to convert the keys in a DQD results JSON file between snakecase and camelcase, addressing compatibility issues caused by the camelcase migration in v2.1.0

Thank you to all of our HADES developers and maintainers for all the work they do on our community open-source tools. You can follow all development announcements on this thread.


The 2023 OHDSI Global Symposium will be held Oct. 20-22 at the NEW location of the Hilton East Brunswick Hotel & Executive Meeting Center in East Brunswick, N.J. Registration has opened, and the call for collaboration is open until Friday, June 16, at 8 pm ET. Check out the symposium homepage for more information and updates as we get closer to the OHDSI symposium. Please make sure you secure your hotel room by using this link: Available Rooms – Hilton East Brunswick Hotel & Executive Meeting Center

The 2023 European Symposium — titled “Full Steam Ahead” — will be held July 1-3 in Rotterdam. The main conference will be held Monday, July 3, while there will be tutorials on the weekend of July 1-2. Registration and the call for participation has opened for this event. The deadline for abstracts is this Sunday, April 30.

The 2023 Asia-Pacific (APAC) Symposium will be held July 13-14 at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, and it will follow MedInfo 2023 (July 8-12 in Sydney, Australia). Registration and the call for participation has opened for this event. The call for participation deadline for abstracts is April 15. The agenda is now posted on the event homepage . The main conference will be held July 13 with sessions focused on OHDSI Global, Research, and OHDSI APAC, while there will be tutorials held on July 14.


Evan Phelps shared an opening at UC San Francisco for an experienced ETL Developer / Health Data Analyst on my Research Data Assets team at UCSF. While this position will not initially be focused solely on OMOP, we have a growing focus in that direction, and I’d love to see some applicants from the OHDSI community. This is a full-time, permanent position on a team that primarily works remotely, so relocation would not be required if you already live within the United States. More information is available on this post or on the application link.

• There is an opening with IQVIA for an OMOP Data Analyst. Job overview: Under broad guidance, performs data analytics activities related to complex business problems and issues to provide insight to decision makers. May provide analytic support for internal project teams and for external client consulting or services engagements. You can find the full posting and apply here.

Ajit Londhe shared a recent forum post announcing a position for Senior Associate Director, Real World Data & Analytics at Boehringer Ingelheim. The purpose of this position is to: generate real world evidence (RWE) to support in-line and pipeline products; provide statistical advice on the analysis of real world data (RWD) to various internal and external stakeholders; contribute to the RWD acquisition strategy and tool evaluation; and participate in the development and presentation of RWE trainings. More information and an application link are available here.

Dina Gifkins also posted an opening on the forums for the position of Associate Director, Epidemiology, at Janssen Research & Development. Among the primary responsibilities would be to: assist with identifying research study needs, drafting proposals and protocols, and contributing to epidemiology and real world data strategy and study conduct across the clinical development program; conduct literature reviews and synthesis; provide assistance to clinical teams with study design; and identify and evaluate data resources to meet therapeutic needs; and work closely with other colleagues in the Epidemiology department when defining research questions, developing epidemiological protocols, and implementing solutions. More information and an application link are available here.

Justin Starren announced that the Successful Clinical Response In Pneumonia Therapy (SCRIPT) Systems Biology Center (SCRIPT) is hiring a postdoctoral fellow to work at the intersection of systems biology and clinical data management. The fellow will collaborate with an interdisciplinary team of clinicians, biologists, geneticists, and data scientists to develop tools to improve the management of multifaceted data to support systems biology research. Candidates should have strong software development skills and an MD or PhD with research experience with Electronic Health Record data. Experience with Common Data Models, such as OMOP CDM from OHDSI, is preferred. More information is available here.

Andrew Williams announced an opening for a Software Developer Analyst II at the Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI). This position will be responsible for executing software development initiatives, including collaborating with various stakeholders to understand requirements and design solutions, evaluating options and developing technical designs, and developing solution using appropriate programming language and/or technical tools.

Noémie Elhadad shared that the Columbia University Department of Biomedical Informatics (DBMI) is seeking exceptional junior-level faculty members in the tenure track. The positions are open to researchers interested in developing and applying informatics theory and achieving tangible benefits to health care and biology. Three particular foci are (1) machine learning for healthcare and health-related data science, (2) health information technology-based interventions to improve health care and the health of individuals and populations, and (3) translational bioinformatics. DBMI serves as the coordinating center for OHDSI; more information and an application link are posted here.

• The Center for Computational Life Sciences at Cleveland Clinic offers an opportunity for a visionary Senior Faculty to establish our biomedical research and healthcare system as a global leader in Artificial Intelligence Research (AI). This Senior Faculty position will shape and expand AI technologies and applications centered around biomedical science and healthcare, supported by strong institutional commitment to build their vision. More information is available here.


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Please continue to collaborate in our MS Teams environment, check out the OHDSI website and forums , and follow us on all platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn to get continued updates and information on everything happening in our community