Weekly OHDSI Digest-1Feb2021


Weekly Community Call: It continues to be exciting to see so many people join our Tuesday Community Calls at 11 am ET on MSTeams. This Tuesday will focus on open-source tools for cohort definition. We are excited to hear from Christopher Knoll , who will update the community on the recently released ATLAS 2.8, and Martin Lavallee , who will present his work on CAPR.

We hope you join us again (or for the first time!). You can use this link for the call, or find it and recordings from previous sessions on our Community Calls page.


**OMOP CDM Oncology WG – Genomic Subgroup Meeting: THIS MEETING IS CANCELLED FOR FEB. 2

Common Data Model WG: Tuesday, Feb. 2 at 1 pm ET: (Meeting Link )
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 1 pm ET.

OMOP CDM Oncology WG – Outreach/Research Subgroup Meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 2 at 3 pm ET: (Meeting Link) Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the first and third Tuesday of each month at 3 pm ET.

OMOP CDM Oncology WG – Development Subgroup Meeting: Wednesday, Feb. 3 at 10 am ET: (Meeting Link) Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Wednesday at 10 am ET.

GIS-Geographic Information System WG Meeting: Wednesday, Feb. 3 at 2 pm ET: (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Wednesday at 2 pm ET.

Patient-Level Prediction/Pop. Level Estimation WG Meeting (Eastern Hemisphere): Wednesday, Feb. 3 at 4 pm KST (2AM ET): (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the first Wednesday of every month at 4 pm KST.

Psychiatry WG: Thursday, Feb. 4 at 8 am ET: (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Thursday at 8 am ET.

Patient-Level Prediction/Pop. Level Estimation WG Meeting (Western Hemisphere): Thursday, Feb. 4 at 12 pm ET: (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the first Thursday of every month at 12 pm ET.

OMOP CDM Oncology WG – CDM/Vocabulary Subgroup Meeting: Thursday, Feb. 4 at 1 pm ET: (Meeting Link) Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every Thursday at 1 pm ET.

Clinical Trials WG: Friday, Feb. 5 at 10 am ET: (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Friday at 10 am ET.

Electronic Health Record WG: Friday, Feb. 5 at 10 am ET: (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Friday at 10 am ET.


Congratulations to the team of Christian Maier , Lorenz A. Kapsner , Sebastian Mate , Hans-Ulrich Prokosch , and Stefan Kraus for this study: Patient Cohort Identification on Time Series Data Using the OMOP Common Data Model, published in Applied Clinical Informatics.

Two upcoming studies will be discussed briefly prior to our main presentations at tomorrow’s community call. Kees van Bochove will discuss the upcoming PIONEER/EHDEN/OHDSI study-a-thon to study the natural history of prostate cancer. You can register for the event, scheduled for March 8-12, by clicking here.

Patrick Ryan will introduce the new Covid-19 Vaccine AESI Incidence Characterization Study.

Both Christian Reich and Dani Prieto-Alhambra will present a talk entitled “Global Collaboration: COVID-19 research in open data networks” this Thursday at 11 am ET through IQVIA. You can register for this talk here.


Please be aware of these two upcoming deadlines:

Deadline for abstracts for ICPE 2021 is February 12 , while scholarship applications are accepted until March 1 . More information is available here.

Drug Safety invites the submission of original research articles (up to 6000 words) on the Role of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in Pharmacovigilance for a themed issue of the journal to be published in 2021. Please submit an abstract describing your proposed paper by April 30 to nitin.joshi@springer.com. Full papers will be invited by May 30 and manuscripts due by August 31 . More information is available here.

Work groups listed on the OHDSI website: OHDSI work groups and meeting links have been added to our website and the page is updated on Mondays. To get a snapshot of the work group meetings for the month, please visit Upcoming Working Group Calls – OHDSI

Accessing MSTeams : OHDSI work group meetings have transitioned to MSTeams. If you attended the 2020 OHDSI Symposium, you are already in the OHDSI teams environment. If you would like to be added to the OHDSI teams environment, please fill out this form: Join OHDSI Teams

If you are already in the OHDSI teams environment and you would like to join work groups in teams, please fill out this form: Join Workgroups, Chapters, and Studies

2020 OHDSI Symposium - Video recordings from the 2020 OHDSI symposium day have been made available here: https://www.ohdsi.org/2020-ohdsi-global-symposium/

2020 APAC Symposium : The six regional breakout session videos (Australia, China, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan) have all been posted to the APAC Symposium page: https://www.ohdsi.org/2020-ohdsi-apac-symposium/

Please continue to collaborate in our MS Teams environment, check out the OHDSI website and forums, and follow us on all platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn to get continued updates and information on everything happening in our community.