Weekly OHDSI Digest-18Sept2023


Please join our Sept. 19 (11 am ET) OHDSI Community Call for a ‘Journal Club’ session focused on the 11th Revision of the ENCePP Guide on Methodological Standards in Pharmacoepidemiology. We are excited to welcome ENCePP editor Catherine Cohet and seven authors of the July 2023 revision to discuss the purpose and audience of the guide, some of the specific focuses within this revision, and how it can benefit the research mission of the OHDSI community. You can find the current ENCePP guide here.

We will welcome the following speakers on Tuesday:

• Catherine Cohet, Pharmacoepidemiologist, Data Analytics and Methods Task Force, European Medicines Agency • Co-Chair of the ENCePP Steering Group and Editor of the Guide

• Xintong Li, DPhil student in Medical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology, University of Oxford

• Kim López Güell, DPhil student in Medical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology, University of Oxford

• Daniel Morales, Senior Pharmacoepidemiologist, European Medicines Agency

• Niklas Norén, Chief Science Officer, Uppsala Centre

• Luis Pinheiro, Senior Epidemiology Expert, European Medicines Agency

• Albert Prats-Uribe, Senior Clinical Researcher and Public Health Specialist, University of Oxford

• Dani Prieto-Alhambra, Section Head - Health Data Sciences, Botnar Research Centre and Professor, University of Oxford and Erasmus MC

Everybody is invited. Calendar invites went out last week. If you did not receive one, please use this link to join the meeting. All recordings from these weekly calls are available within our Teams environment and will be posted on both our YouTube page and our OHDSI.org Community Calls page.


Upcoming Workgroup Calls – OHDSI


Congratulations to the team of Rowdy de Groot, Daniel Püttmann, Lucas Fleuren, Patrick Thoral, Paul Elbers, Nicolette de Keizer, Ronald Cornet; and the Dutch ICU Data Sharing Against COVID-19 Collaborators on the publication of Determining and assessing characteristics of data element names impacting the performance of annotation using Usagi in the International Journal of Medical Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Suehyun Lee, Hyunah Shin, Seon Choe, Min-Gyu Kang, Sae-Hoon Kim, Dong Yoon Kang, and Ju Han Kim on the publication of MetaLAB-HOI: Template standardization of health outcomes enable massive and accurate detection of adverse drug reactions from electronic health records in Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety.


We are less than five weeks away from the 2023 OHDSI Global Symposium. If you have not yet done so, please register now to assure your place at our highlight event of the year.

Research from the 2023 Europe Symposium Collaborator Showcase in Rotterdam can be viewed on the Europe Symposium Showcase homepage. Research is also being shared daily on OHDSI’s LinkedIn and Twitter feeds as part of the #OHDSISocialShowcase. Below are posters (with study leads) that are featured this week:

Monday – Roadmap and improvement of OHDSI Vocabularies (Alexander Davydov)

Tuesday – OMOP for oncology data: a single-centre and network perspective (Stelios Theophanous)

Wednesday – Evaluation of treatment effect heterogeneity in the LEGEND-Hypertension study (Alexandros Rekkas)

Thursday – The use of contraception in females with underlying conditions (Emma Lippens & Victor Pera)

Friday – IncidencePrevalence: An R package to calculate population-level incidence and prevalence rates using the OMOP Common Data Model (Martí Català)

• The agenda for the 2023 Global Symposium main conference is now available and it highlights the most diverse agenda in our event history. More than 35 community members from around the world will help put together an event that will include a plenary on “Improving the reliability and scale of case validation,” a panel session on “Lessons learned from OHDSI network studies,” 10 lightning talks, a look at the state of the OHDSI community, and plenty more.

• The OHDSI Global Symposium will host our first ever ‘OHDSI Got Talent’ event. Do you have a unique talent that you can demonstrate in 6 minutes or less? We want to see it! If you are interested in participating, please fill out this form. The deadline to submit this form is 8pm ET on Friday, September 22; you will be notified of your acceptance by Friday, September 29.

• The new Community Dashboard is now available on OHDSI.org. The dashboard includes tracking sites for publications, YouTube videos, EHDEN Academy courses, network studies, the phenotype explorer, and opportunities.

HADES Development Announcements

• Jamie Gilbert announced the release of ResultModelManager 0.5.0. This includes a new utility class for exporting results in a validated way as well as some changes to the result model specification support (removing the use of the “emptyIsNa” field).

• Martin Lavallee announced the release of CAPR 2.0.7. This update moved CirceR to remotes section to pass HADES weekly checks. It is pausing efforts to submit to CRAN due to this change.


OHDSI Global Symposium

• The 2023 OHDSI Global Symposium will be held Oct. 20-22 at the NEW location of the Hilton East Brunswick Hotel & Executive Meeting Center in East Brunswick, N.J. Below are all the critical links you will need for the weekend.


Symposium Agenda | Collaborator Showcase Posters/Demos/Lightning Talks

Hotel Information


Ajit Londhe recently posted that Boehringer Ingelheim is hiring for two positions: (1) Director, Real World Data & Analytics - Data Domain Owner (this position will lead acquisition strategy for real-world data sources for possible in-license/ purchase and additional analytical tools for in-house analytic needs across the organization … responsible for oversight of operational governance tasks & real-world data life cycle governance … US-based, remote location); and (2) Real World Evidence Data Engineer (IT position supporting RWE teams’ technology needs, including OHDSI stack support … based in Spain only).

Yuan Lu, Assistant Professor at Yale University, announced an opening for a Postdoctoral Associate/Data Analyst at the Yale University School of Medicine. This person will work on the LEGEND Hypertension Project. More information, including job description, key responsibilities and qualifications, are available here . If interested, please reach out to Dr. Lu at y.lu@yale.edu.


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Please continue to collaborate in our MS Teams environment, check out the OHDSI website and forums , and follow us on all platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn to get continued updates and information on everything happening in our community