OHDSI Community Call - Tuesday at 12pm ET
US TOLL: +1-415-655-0001
Meeting Number: 199 982 907
CDM Survey Data Discussion - Tuesday at 1pm ET
More details: Survey data discussion (CDM Working Group)
Webex: https://jjconferencing.webex.com/mw3100/mywebex/default.do?service=1&main_url=%2Fmc3100%2Fe.do%3Fsiteurl%3Djjconferencing%26AT%3DMI%26EventID%3D605364197%26MTID%3Dm627b8c0fb0af87dd61e31dbc9b64e49f%26Host%3DQUhTSwAAAATVpSlbjqbiyWZLyDHNrvjZKxxqzzsdEB6bIzuHgNoyA7quJ8kJT7DH0e6RRhmmF3woBfu7-pG0t49Cp-hqNT-F0%26FrameSet%3D2&siteurl=jjconferencing&nomenu=true
Patient-level prediction (Western hemisphere) workgroup meeting - Wednesday at 12pm ET
Population-Level Estimation (Eastern hemisphere) workgroup meeting - Wednesday at 3pm Hong Kong time
Architecture WG meeting - Thursday at 1pm ET
Webex: https://jjconferencing.webex.com/mw3000/mywebex/default.do?service=1&main_url=%2Fmc3000%2Fe.do%3Fsiteurl%3Djjconferencing%26AT%3DMI%26EventID%3D283835502%26MTID%3Dmb7e839a762fbdaab0608f27500679223%26Host%3DQUhTSwAAAASTOYBxx2KWYTIL7ZSgHgHJoIHctjgxp8k5mgqAEPo2a1ESa12-8hjAVWbZznuDt96ugkT31G8sY5iSWLRwSwhI0%26FrameSet%3D2&siteurl=jjconferencing&nomenu=true
GIS working group meeting - Monday (September 25th) at 10am ET
2017 OHDSI Symposium Registration - Registration for this year’s symposium is filling up quickly. If you haven’t registered yet, we recommend you do so soon! Register here: 2017 Symposium Registration – OHDSI
PLEASE NOTE: Registration is for the main symposium only (set to take place on October 18th). Registration for tutorials is full.
Tutorial Registration - Tutorial registration is now closed and selected participants have been notified of their status. If you have registered for a tutorial but have not heard about your participants status, please email symposium@ohdsi.org
Call for Sponsorship - To fund the 2017 symposium we need to raise $200K to cover operating costs of venue rental, lunch, audio/visuals and recordings fees. We’re reaching out to the entire community for sponsors who want to support this important event and allow us to build upon the success of past symposia. More details: OHDSI Symposium 2017 - call for sponsorship
Updating OHDSI.org - Leading up to the symposium, we’ll be updating collaborator profiles and our data network list. If you have updates you’d like made to your OHDSI profile, or have updated information about your database, please email beaton@ohdsi.org with the changes.
The past cannot be cured.
- Elizabeth I
Risk of Lower Extremity Amputations in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Treated With SGLT2 Inhibitors in the United States: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Dynamic-ETL: a hybrid approach for health data extraction, transformation and loading.
Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors and Risk of Heart Failure in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Population-Based Cohort Study.
A conceptual framework for evaluating data suitability for observational studies