Weekly OHDSI Digest-18Jan2021


Weekly Community Call: Thank you to everybody who joined our 2021 kickoff call last week. We will continue to hold our community calls at the new time of 11 am ET on Tuesdays. Tomorrow’s format will include breakout sessions on three topics of interest within the community: 1) Establishing conventions for expanded use cases of the OMOP CDM (moderated by Sonia Araujo); 2) Methods research opportunities in patient-level predictions (moderated by Jenna Reps and Peter Rijnbeek); and 3) Phenotype development and evaluation (moderated by Juan Banda and Gotham Rao). The link to join the community call, as well as see recordings and slides from prior meetings, is available at https://www.ohdsi.org/ohdsi-community-calls/.

You can also access the call directly here.

We apologize to those of you who received some extra spam emails late last week. We are working out the issues, and we believe they are squared away. We will provide an update on the invite with additional information in due course, but please keep checking the forums, the community calls page listed above, and our MSTeams environment for continued information.


OMOP CDM Oncology WG – Genomic Subgroup Meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 19 at 9 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every Tuesday at 9 am ET.

Common Data Model WG: Tuesday, Jan.19 at 1 pm ET (Meeting Link )
Meetings are traditionally held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 1pm ET

Women of OHDSI WG: Tuesday, Jan. 19 at 2 pm ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the third Tuesday of each month at 2 pm ET.

OMOP CDM Oncology WG – Outreach/Research Subgroup Meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 19 at 3 pm ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the first and third Tuesday of each month at 3 pm ET.

OMOP CDM Oncology WG – Development Subgroup Meeting: Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 10 am ET: (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Wednesday at 10 am ET.

Data Quality Dashboard Development WG: Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 1 pm ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month at 1 pm ET.

GIS-Geographic Information System WG Meeting: Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 2 pm ET: (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Wednesday at 2 pm ET.

OMOP CDM Oncology WG – CDM/Vocabulary Subgroup Meeting: Thursday, Jan. 21 at 1 pm (Meeting Link) Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every Thursday at 1 pm ET.

Psychiatry WG: Thursday, Jan. 21 at 8 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Thursday at 8 am ET.

HADES WG: Thursday, Jan. 21 at 12 pm ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the third Thursday of each month at 12 pm ET.

Clinical Trials WG: Friday, Jan. 22 at 10 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Friday at 10 am ET.

Electronic Health Record WG: Friday, Jan. 22 at 10 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Friday at 10 am ET.

Pharmacovigilance Evidence Investigation (PEI) WG: Monday, Jan. 25 at 11:30 am ET (Meeting Link) Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Friday at 2 pm ET.


Congratulations to Elena Roel, Talita Duarte-Salles and the entire CHARYBDIS team on this latest preprint, Characteristics and outcomes of 118,155 COVID-19 individuals with a history of cancer in the United States and Spain. The team is seeking community feedback, so please read it and offer your insights.

Talita also authored a chapter on the SIDIAP database in this new book, Databases for Pharmacoepidemiological Research. Great work by our 2020 Titan Award recipient for Community Collaboration!

The EHDEN Consortium recently released a new tool, CdmInspection, an R Package to support quality control inspection of an OMOP-CDM instance. Congrats to everybody involved in this work!

If you want to become more involved in EHDEN work (or you know somebody who could be interested), there is a software developer position open on Peter Rijnbeek’s team. Learn more about the position and get the application link here.


Work groups listed on the OHDSI website: OHDSI work groups and meeting links have been added to our website and the page is updated on Mondays. To get a snapshot of the work group meetings for the month, please visit Upcoming Working Group Calls – OHDSI

Accessing MSTeams : OHDSI work group meetings have transitioned to MSTeams. If you attended the 2020 OHDSI Symposium, you are already in the OHDSI teams environment. If you would like to be added to the OHDSI teams environment, please fill out this form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=lAAPoyCRq0q6TOVQkCOy1ZyG6Ud_r2tKuS0HcGnqiQZUQ05MOU9BSzEwOThZVjNQVVFGTDNZRENONiQlQCN0PWcu

If you are already in the OHDSI teams environment and you would like to join work groups in teams, please fill out this form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=lAAPoyCRq0q6TOVQkCOy1ZyG6Ud_r2tKuS0HcGnqiQZUOVJFUzBFWE1aSVlLN0ozR01MUVQ4T0RGNyQlQCN0PWcu

2020 OHDSI Symposium - Video recordings from the 2020 OHDSI symposium day have been made available here: https://www.ohdsi.org/2020-ohdsi-global-symposium/

2020 APAC Symposium : The six regional breakout session videos (Australia, China, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan) have all been posted to the APAC Symposium page: https://www.ohdsi.org/2020-ohdsi-apac-symposium/

Please continue to collaborate in our MS Teams environment, check out the OHDSI website and forums, and follow us on all platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn to get continued updates and information on everything happening in our community.