Weekly OHDSI Digest-11July2022


Please join us Tuesday, July 12 (11 am ET) for our next OHDSI Community Call, which will be focused on new adopters of the OMOP CDM or new members of the OHDSI community. We are welcoming people to introduce themselves, share why they have joined the community and what impact they hope to make, and also ask a question to the broader community.

Everybody is invited. Calendar invites for our 2022 community calls go out each Friday. If you did not receive one, please use this link to join the meeting. All recordings from these weekly meetings will be posted on both our main OHDSI Teams tenant and on our OHDSI.org Community Calls page.


OMOP CDM Oncology WG – Genomic Subgroup Meeting: Tuesday, July 12 at 9am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 9am ET

Common Data Model WG – VOCABULARY Subgroup: Tuesday, July 12 at 12pm ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 12:00 ET, alternating with the general CDM WG.

OMOP CDM Oncology WG- Outreach/Research Subgroup: Tuesday, July 12 at 3pm (ET) (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 3pm ET

Medical Imaging WG: Wednesday, July 13 at 7 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Wednesday alternating between 7am and 7pm ET.

Open-Source Community WG: Wednesday, July 13 at 11am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Wednesday art 11am ET.

FHIR and OMOP WG-Terminologies Subgroup: Wednesday, July 13 at 12pm ET (European & Eastern US Time zone): (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Wednesday at 12pm ET. NOTE: This meeting takes place on Zoom but please check the Teams Work Group for information and updates (Meeting ID: 924 8598 5949; Passcode: 477364)

Natural Language Processing WG: Wednesday, July 13 at 2pm ET ( Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the second Wednesday of each month at 2pm ET.

Data Quality Dashboard Development WG: Thursday, July 14 at 10am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Thursday at 10am ET

FHIR and OMOP WG-Oncology Subgroup: Thursday, July 14 at 12pm ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every Thursday at 12pm ET

OMOP CDM Oncology- Vocabulary /Development Subgroup: Thursday, July 14 at 1pm ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 1pm ET

Education WG: Friday, July 15 at 9am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every 4 weeks on Friday of each month at 9am ET.

GIS-Geographic Information System WG GENERAL Meeting: Friday, July 15 at 9am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Friday at 9am ET.

Healthcare Systems Interest Group (formerly Electronic Health Record WG): Monday, July 18 at 10am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Monday at 10am ET


Congratulations to the team of Ines Reinecke, Mirko Gruhl, Martin Pinnau, Fatma Betül Altun, Michael Folz, Michéle Zoch, Franziska Bathelt, and Martin Sedlmayr on the recent publication of An OHDSI ATLAS Extension to Support Feasibility Requests in a Research Network in Volume 295 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

Congratulations to the team of Jose Manuel Saborit-Torres, Silvia Nadal-Almela, Joaquim Angel Montell-Serrano, Elena Oliver-Garcia, Hector Carceller, Jon Ander Gómez-Ádrian, Marisa Caparrós-Redondo, Francisco García-García, Julio Domenech-Fernández, and Maria De La Iglesia-Vayá on the recent publication of Beyond the Brain: MIDS Extends BIDS to Multiple Modalities and Anatomical Regions in Volume 295 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.

• Congratulations to the team of Anthony Molinaro and Frank DeFalco on the publication of Empirical assessment of alternative methods for identifying seasonality in observational healthcare data in BMC Medical Research Methodology.

• Congratulations to the team of Gayathri Delanerolle, Robert Williams, Ana Stipancic, Rachel Byford, Anna Forbes, Sneha Anand, Declan Bradley, Ruby Tsang, Siobhán Murphy, Ashley Akbari, Stuart Bedston, Ronan Lyons, Rhiannon Owen, Jillian Beggs, Antony Chuter, Domnique Balharry, Mark Joy, Aziz Sheikh, F.D. Richard Hobbs, and Simon de Lusignan on the publication of Methodological issues for using a common data model (CDM) of COVID-19 vaccine uptake and important adverse events of interest (AEIs): the Data and Connectivity COVID-19 Vaccines Pharmacovigilance (DaC-VaP) United Kingdom feasibility study in JMIR Formative Research.

• Congratulations to the team of Yae Won Tak, Seng Chan You, Jeong Hyun Han, Soon-Seok Kim, Gi-Tae Kim and Yura Lee on the publication of Perceived Risk of Re-Identification in OMOP-CDM Database: A Cross-Sectional Survey in the Journal of Korean Medical Science.

• Congratulations to the team of Erica Voss, Saberi Rana Ali, Arun Singh, Peter Rijnbeek, Martijn Schuemie, and Daniel Fife on the publication of Hip Fracture Risk After Treatment with Tramadol or Codeine: An Observational Study in Drug Safety.

Congratulations to the team of Emily Pfaff, Andrew Girvin, Tellen Bennett, Abhishek Bhatia, Ian Brooks, Rachel Deer, Jonathan Dekermanjian, Sarah Elizabeth Jolley, Michael Kahn, Kristin Kostka, Julie McMurry, Richard Moffitt, Anita Walden, Christopher Chute, Melissa A Haendel, and the N3C Consortium on the recent publication of Identifying who has long COVID in the USA: a machine learning approach using N3C data in The Lancet Digital Health.


Dani Prieto-Alhambra’s team at the University of Oxford is hiring two Research Assistants in Health Data Sciences. In this position, you will support the programming of analytical pipelines for the analysis of routinely collected data mapped to the OMOP Common Data Model. You will prepare analytical packages to run a number of pre-specified analyses, contribute to wider project planning, including ideas for new research projects and manage own research and administrative activities, within guidelines provided by senior colleagues. More information and the application link are available here, and the deadline is August 8, 2022.


Nominations are now OPEN for the 2022 Titan Awards, which recognize those who have gone above and beyond to foster community engagement, lead research and development efforts, and make significant contributions towards OHDSI’s mission. If there are members or institutions who have made significant contributions that you would like to recognize, please nominate them before the Sept. 2 deadline!

• Videos from all presentations during the main day of the OHDSI European Symposium are now available.

• The latest edition of The Journey Newsletter, which includes updates on the European Symposium, the SNOMED agreement, the 10-minute tutorials, as well as community updates, publications and presentations, is now available here.

• The OHDSI Social Showcase has returned! Accepted submissions from the European Symposium Collaborator Showcase will be shared on the OHDSI Twitter and LinkedIn feeds. Here are the posters that will be highlighted this week.

Monday – Mapping concepts from the Netherlands Cancer Registry to the OMOP-CDM - experiences and challenges (Chiara Attanasio)

Tuesday – The journey from central operational data-lake to Medica Centers CDM network (Guy Livne)

Wednesday – Informativeness of clinical lymph node metastasis staging for patients undergoing curative intended surgery for colorectal cancer: A national multi-register study (Andreas Weinberger Rosen)

Thursday – Concept extraction from Dutch clinical text (Tom Seinen)

Friday – OHDSI Italia: the Italian national node of OHDSI Europe (Lucia Sacchi)


2022 OHDSI Symposium

Registration has opened for the 2022 OHDSI Symposium, which will be held Oct. 14-16 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center. The main conference will be held Friday, Oct. 14, while a full-day tutorial (An Introductory Journey from Data to Evidence) will be held Saturday, Oct. 15. There will be several workgroup activities between Oct. 15-16 as well. Here are several important links for #OHDSI2022.

Full Symposium: Homepage | Weekend Room Block | FAQs

Oct. 14 – Main Conference: Information | Registration | Collaborator Showcase

Oct. 15 – Tutorial: Information | Registration

Oct. 15-16 – Workgroup Activities: Information | Registration


Please book your hotel room ASAP for Oct.13-14 through the OHDSI room block to ensure a special rate (will sell out fast)
2022 OHDSI Symposium - Start your reservation (passkey.com)

For nights 10/14-16, please book your hotel room on the hotel’s website.
Rockville, MD Hotel | Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center

Note: If you have multiple reservations at the Bethesda North Marriott, as long as you book the same room type, you will be able to stay in one room the entire time; just stop by the front desk and they will update your keys and credit card info.


Accessing MSTeams: To join OHDSI Teams, please fill out this form: Join OHDSI Teams
If you are already in the OHDSI Teams environment and you would like to join work groups in teams, please fill out this form: Join Workgroups, Chapters, and Studies

Teams Best Practices and Guidance: For guidance on MS Teams, please check out this link

Duplicate email removal from OHDSI Teams: As you should always be using one email in OHDSI Teams when joining all workgroups, you may remove duplicate emails by filling out this form

Please continue to collaborate in our MS Teams environment, check out the OHDSI website and forums , and follow us on all platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn to get continued updates and information on everything happening in our community