Vocabulary visualization WG meeting - Tuesday at 2pm ET
Teleconference: 1-855-565-9999 (US)
Access Code: 881-735-36
Patient-level prediction (Eastern hemisphere) workgroup meeting - Wednesday at 3pm Hong Kong time
NLP working group meeting - Wednesday at 2pm ET
Dial +1 (571) 317-3122 (United States)
Enter conference ID: 707-196-421
Screen Sharing: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/707196421
Population-level estimation (Western hemisphere) workgroup meeting - Thursday at 12pm ET
Hadoop WG meeting - Friday at 11am ET
2017 OHDSI Symposium - The date and location for the 2017 OHDSI Symposium has been confirmed! This year’s symposium will take place on Wednesday, October 18th at the Bethesda North Marriott. Full-day tutorial sessions will take place on October 19-20th. If you’re interested in attending, please save the date.
OHDSI F2F - Materials from the OHDSI F2F to be posted soon.
Pragmatic (trial) informatics: a perspective from the NIH Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory.
RL Richesson, BB Green, R Laws, J Puro, MG Kahn, A Bauck, M Smerek, EG Van Eaton, M Zozus, WE Hammond, KA Stephens and GE Simon,
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA , 2017 09 01
Pragmatic clinical trials (PCTs) are research investigations embedded in health care settings designed to increase the efficiency of research and its relevance to clinical practice. The Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory, initiated by the National Institutes of Health Common Fund in 2010, is a pioneering cooperative aimed at identifying and overcoming operational challenges to pragmatic research. Drawing from our experience, we present 4 broad categories of informatics-related challenges: (1) using clinical data for research, (2) integrating data from heterogeneous systems, (3) using electronic health records to support intervention delivery or health system change, and (4) assessing and improving data capture to define study populations and outcomes. These challenges impact the validity, reliability, and integrity of PCTs. Achieving the full potential of PCTs and a learning health system will require meaningful partnerships between health system leadership and operations, and federally driven standards and policies to ensure that future electronic health record systems have the flexibility to support research.
Unity is Strength: Improving biomedical classification performance based on ensemble learning approaches.
Rate of electronic health record adoption in South Korea: A nation-wide survey.
YG Kim, K Jung, YT Park, D Shin, SY Cho, D Yoon and RW Park,
International journal of medical informatics , 2017 05
The adoption rate of electronic health record (EHR) systems in South Korea has continuously increased. However, in contrast to the situation in the United States (US), where there has been a national effort to improve and standardize EHR interoperability, no consensus has been established in South Korea. The goal of this study was to determine the current status of EHR adoption in South Korean hospitals compared to that in the US.All general and tertiary teaching hospitals in South Korea were surveyed regarding their EHR status in 2015 with the same questionnaire as used previously. The survey form estimated the level of adoption of EHR systems according to 24 core functions in four categories (clinical documentation, result view, computerized provider order entry, and decision supports). The adoption level was classified into comprehensive and basic EHR systems according to their functionalities.EHRs and computerized physician order entry systems were used in 58.1% and 86.0% of South Korean hospitals, respectively. Decision support systems and problem list documentation were the functions most frequently missing from comprehensive and basic EHR systems. The main barriers cited to adoption of EHR systems were the cost of purchasing (48%) and the ongoing cost of maintenance (11%).The EHR adoption rate in Korean hospitals (37.2%) was higher than that in US hospitals in 2010 (15.1%), but this trend was reversed in 2015 (58.1% vs. 75.2%). The evidence suggests that these trends were influenced by the level of financial and political support provided to US hospitals after the HITECH Act was passed in 2009.The EHR adoption rate in Korea has increased, albeit more slowly than in the US. It is logical to suggest that increased funding and support tied to the HITECH Act in the US partly explains the difference in the adoption rates of EHRs in both countries.
The effect of an integrated education model on anxiety and uncertainty in patients undergoing cervical disc herniation surgery.
MF Chuang, HH Tung, DL Clinciu, JS Huang, U Iqbal, CJ Chang, IC Su, FC Lai and YC Li,
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine , Sep 2016
Educating patients about receiving surgical procedures is becoming an important issue, as it can reduce anxiety and uncertainty while helping to hasten decisions for undergoing time sensitive surgeries. We evaluated a new integrated education model for patients undergoing cervical disc herniation surgery using a quasi-experimental design.The participants were grouped into either the new integrated educational model (n = 32) or the standard group (n = 32) on the basis of their ward numbers assigned at admission. Anxiety, uncertainty, and patient satisfaction were measured before (pre-test) and after the educational intervention (post-test-1) and post-surgery (post-test-2) to assess the effectiveness of the model in this intervention.We found that the generalized estimating equation modeling demonstrated this new integrated education model was more effective than the conventional model in reducing patients' anxiety and uncertainty (p <0.05). Patients were also more satisfied with our newly developed model as it takes a more holistic approach to individual health.This novel systemic educational model enhances patient's understanding of the medical condition and surgery while promoting patient-caregiver interaction for optimal patient health outcomes. We present a comprehensive and consistent platform for educational purposes in patients undergoing surgery as well as reducing the psychological burden from anxiety and uncertainty. Integrating medicine, nursing, and new technologies into an e-practice and e-learning platform offers the potential of easier understanding and usage. It could revolutionize patient education in the future.