Weekly OHDSI Digest-01Nov2021


Please join us Tuesday, Nov. 2 (11 am ET) for our next Community Call, when we will engage in discussions on future collaboration opportunities within OHDSI. As our global community starts to turn its attention towards 2022, we hope these breakout discussions will help shape different paths for OHDSI to make a positive impact in the future.

While we hope these are community-wide conversations, several leaders in the community will help facilitate the various discussions in OHDSI’s four major research areas. Everybody should start in the main meeting, and then the breakouts will be in the link below.

Methods Research: Jenna Reps and Martijn Schuemie

This breakout will be in the same link as the main community call.

Data Standards: Clair Blacketer and Maxim Moinat

Breakout link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3Ameeting_MzZmZWY2OTItMGIxYi00MDc1LTg4ZTQtOGU0YzI3YzdkNmI5%40thread.v2/0?context={"Tid"%3A"a30f0094-9120-4aab-ba4c-e5509023b2d5"%2C"Oid"%3A"a7a82bba-fb8f-4d8d-9f3a-8dae791ccb6b"}

Open-Source Development: Adam Black and Anthony Sena

Breakout link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3Ameeting_MDcxODE2ZmItMGU1YS00NWRlLWE5OGYtZjBhZDlhMWE4NTA5%40thread.v2/0?context={"Tid"%3A"a30f0094-9120-4aab-ba4c-e5509023b2d5"%2C"Oid"%3A"a7a82bba-fb8f-4d8d-9f3a-8dae791ccb6b"}

Clinical Applications: Talita Duarte-Salles and Asieh Golozar

Breakout link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3Ameeting_ZGJlYjhjZDQtNTEyYi00ODYyLWE5NDMtNWQzMDA1YzY4Y2Qx%40thread.v2/0?context={"Tid"%3A"a30f0094-9120-4aab-ba4c-e5509023b2d5"%2C"Oid"%3A"a7a82bba-fb8f-4d8d-9f3a-8dae791ccb6b"}

Many of you will have the calendar link in your OHDSI Teams environment. If not, you will need the specific meeting link to access the community call; it will also be posted in the main OHDSI Teams environment. As always, if you can’t make it, the recordings will be posted to both our Community Calls page and the General OHDSI Teams recordings folder.


GIS-Geographic Information System WG GENERAL Meeting: Monday, Nov. 1 at 10 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every Monday at 10 am ET. (Note: this meeting will be a general meeting and will alternate with development topics)

OMOP CDM Oncology WG – Genomic Subgroup Meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 9 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every Tuesday at 9 am ET

Common Data Model WG: Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 1 pm ET (Meeting Link )
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 1 pm ET.

Health Equity WG: Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 2 pm ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Tuesday at 2 pm ET.

OMOP CDM Oncology WG – Outreach/Research Subgroup Meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 3 pm ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the first and third Tuesday of each month at 3 pm ET.

OMOP CDM Oncology WG – Development Subgroup Meeting: Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 10 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Wednesday at 10 am ET.

Medical Imaging WG: Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 7 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Wednesday at 7 pm ET.

Patient-Level Prediction/Pop. Level Estimation WG Meeting (Eastern Hemi): Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 4 pm KST (2AM ET) (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the first Wednesday of every month at 4 pm KST.

Patient-Level Prediction/Pop. Level Estimation WG Meeting (Western Hemi): Thursday, Nov. 4 at 12 pm ET (Meeting Link) Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the first Thursday of every month at 12 pm ET.

Medical Devices WG: Thursday, Nov. 4 at 10 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for the fourth Thursday of each odd month at 11 am ET.

OMOP CDM Oncology WG – CDM/Vocabulary Subgroup Meeting: Thursday, Nov. 4 at 1 pm ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every Thursday at 1 pm ET

Education WG: Friday, Nov. 5 at 9 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every four weeks on Friday at 9 am ET.

Vaccine Vocabulary WG: Friday, Nov. 5 at 9 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every other Friday at 9am ET. (Note: this is a revised meeting schedule)

Early Stage Researchers WG: ( Europe /East Coast /West Coast hemisphere): Monday, Nov. 8 at 1pm UK time (8am ET) (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally due to be held on the second Monday of each month at 1pm UK time.

GIS-Geographic Information System WG DEVELOPMENT Meeting: Monday, Nov. 8 at 10 am ET (Meeting Link)
Meetings are traditionally scheduled for every Monday at 10 am ET. (Note: this meeting will be on development and afterwards the meeting will alternate with general topics)


Congratulations to Antoine Lamer, Osama Abou-Arab, Alexandre Bourgeois, Adrien Parrot, Benjamin Popoff, Jean-Baptiste Beuscart, Benoît Tavernier, and Mouhamed Djahoum Moussa for the publication of Transforming Anesthesia Data Into the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model: Development and Usability Study in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.

Congratulations to William Wood, Peter Marks, Robert Plovnick, Kathleen Hewitt, Donna Neuberg, Sam Walters, Brendan Dolan, Emily Tucker, Charles Abrams, Alexis Thompson, Kenneth Anderson, Paul Kluetz, Ann Farrell, Donna Rivera, Matthew Gertzog, and Gregory Pappas for the publication of ASH Research Collaborative: A Real-World Data Infrastructure to Support Real-World Evidence Development and Learning Healthcare Systems in Hematology in Blood Advances.

Congratulations to Patrick Ryan, who was inducted into the American College of Medical Informatics Fellows Class of 2021 during the ongoing AMIA Symposium in San Diego.


The 2021 APAC Symposium will be held Nov. 18 (APAC time zone, Nov. 17 Eastern). There are several planned talks during the full-day event, including ones focused on the FHIR/OHDSI collaboration, the APAC Chapter vision for 2022, the EHDEN consortium and state of the community talks for both the global community and the APAC community. More details have been posted to the OHDSI APAC page, and you can register for the symposium here.

The latest edition of the Journey newsletter is now available. It has our monthly update podcast, information on the LEGEND Initiative and the upcoming APAC Symposium, and plenty more. Subscribers should get it in their inbox, but it also available at the link above.

The #OHDSISocialShowcase continues this week, as we highlight all the global research presented at the OHDSI Symposium. Here is a look at the research being shared this week on Twitter and LinkedIn; please check them out and share with your own networks!

Monday: Development of an ETL Process for Bulk and Incremental Load of German Patient Data into OMOP CDM Using FHIR

Tuesday: Evaluating the performance of Austin’s standardized difference heuristic in observational cohort studies with varying sample size

Wednesday: Assessing the Technical and Operational Feasibility of a Next-generation Data Capture and Processing Approach An Extension of OMOP-based Data Translation Developed by the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR)

Thursday: Mapping UK Biobank to the OMOP CDM: challenges and solutions using the delphyne ETL framework

Friday: Perseus Design and run your own ETL to CDM

Work groups listed on the OHDSI website: To get a snapshot of the work group meetings for the month, please visit Upcoming Working Group Calls – OHDSI

Accessing MSTeams: To join OHDSI Teams, please fill out this form: Join OHDSI Teams
If you are already in the OHDSI teams environment and you would like to join work groups in teams, please fill out this form: Join Workgroups, Chapters, and Studies

Teams Best Practices and Guidance : For guidance on MS Teams, please log into OHDSI Teams and check out this channel located in the OHDSI Team Teams Best Practices and Guidance
**you can also find the document on our website ohdsi.org under “Collaborate with OHDSI in MS Teams.”

Please continue to collaborate in our MS Teams environment, check out the OHDSI website and forums, and follow us on all platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn to get continued updates and information on everything happening in our community