I’d like to announce that the pull request to WebAPI containing cohort definition translation into SQL has been accepted. You can pull the latest repo locally, and run it locally.
Additionally, I am preparing the commit to GitHub for the for intial checkins for CIRCE. Keep an eye here:
Currently, the cohort generation only supports criteria based on Condition Occurrence, but there will be regular updates to this in the comming week. Additionally, performance optimizations will be explored with respect to our SqlRender capabilities and what can be accomplished in a cross-platform manner.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this early release.
Update: I’ve pushed a new commit to WebAPI that will return the generated SQL as a ‘TranslatedStatement’. Jackson has some considerations when returning String as return parameters (in that it doesn’t translate it into a JSON form), so the TranslatedStatement looked good.
I’ve also pushed Circe that has a new button called ‘Generate’ on it which will display the generated SQL in a dialog. I’d like to add a way to easily select all or copy to clipboard, but for now there are other higher priority items.
Update 2: WebAPI has been pushed with all 13 supported criteria types:
ConditionEra, ConditionOccurrence, Death, DeviceExposure, DoseEra, DrugEra, DrugExposure, Measurement, Observation, ObservationPeriod, ProcedureOccurrence, Specimen and VisitOccurrence.
While developing this, some gaps were found between Circe, so you should get both CIRCE and WebAPI from GitHub to see all the features working together.
Next update will include the ability to save/load definitions so that you do not have to start from scratch each page load.