WebAPI missing tables cohort_tag and tag in Oracle database

When trying to create/update concept sets or cohorts in Atlas, I’m getting Oracle table/view not found errors for:


I’m running WebAPI v2.10.1. After digging into the source code and looking at database migrations, I’m seeing migration files for PostgreSQL that don’t exist for Oracle. Specifically, these files are in the WebAPI-2.10.1/src/main/resources/db/migration/postgresql directory:

  • V2.8.1.20210203163300__gis_service_add_check_source_permission.sql
  • V2.8.1.20210219100459__evidence_get_permission.sql
  • V2.8.1.20210226100460__evidence_get_permission.sql
  • V2.9.0.20210423125133__assets_tags.sql
  • V2.9.0.20210513111520__versioning.sql
  • V2.9.0.20210812164224__assets_tags_renaming.sql

The Oracle migration directory contains files up to v2.8.0, but there are no migration files for v2.9.x or v10.1.x corresponding to the PostgreSQL migration files listed above. I’m going to try to manually create the SQL statements from the files above and apply them to my Oracle database. I’m hopeful that will let me run Atlas.

Why are the Oracle migrations not current?