WebAPI Environment Upgrade

On today’s architecture call we discussed the public deployment of the new multihomed version of the WebAPI and corresponding versions of the applications. The deployment will begin tomorrow. We are anticipating some downtime for the ohdsi.org applications (HERMES, CIRCE, HERACLES, etc…). Our goal is to work through any unanticipated issues and have all the applications back online and functional by the end of the day Monday.

This upgrade will only impact the public ohdsi.org applications and will not have any immediate impact to your local environments until you install new versions of the WebAPI or applications from the source distributed on Github. I recommend holding off on any local upgrades until we are through the public deployment.


The new multihomed WebAPI is now live and the upgrade and release of the new version of Hermes is complete. You can access the new version of Hermes here:


We will make additional announcements as our other applications become available.


Hi Frank,

Do you guys have samples of what you have in SOURCE vs. SOURCE_DAIMON?


Hi Charity,

Let me see if I can help (as I’m learning here too) and Frank can chime in if I missed anything.

Essentially, the SOURCE table holds the DB connection information and the SOURCE_KEY is used when referencing the service that access this data source in the webAPI. In the example below, I’m creating a source called Laertes with a dummy connection string that uses postgreSQL. The SOURCE_KEY value of “LAERTES” is then used when I want to access the webAPI to obtain data from this source:


or more generically:


The SOURCE_DAIMON table holds information on what type of data that the referenced SOURCE entry provides. In the example below, this source is used to provide VOCABULARY (1) and EVIDENCE (3) data. Other values are CDM (0) and RESULTS (2). If you do a search in the org.ohdsi.webapi.service namespace for SourceDaimon.DaimonType you will see how SOURCE and SOURCE_DAIMON values are used to query a data source for values. If you also look at the org.ohdsi.webapi.source namespace, you’ll see how the SOURCE and SOURCE_DAIMON classes map to the data model.

When you get this set up properly and get WebAPI running, you can call this service which will describe the sources available in WebAPI:


Below is an example script that I generated using some of the data we have in SQL Server for reference.


INSERT [dbo].[source] ([SOURCE_ID], [SOURCE_NAME], [SOURCE_KEY], [SOURCE_CONNECTION], [SOURCE_DIALECT]) VALUES (14, N’Laertes’, N’LAERTES’, N’jdbc:postgresql://server:port/schema?user=user_name&password=yourpassword’, N’postgresql’)


SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[source_daimon] ON

INSERT [dbo].[source_daimon] ([source_daimon_id], [source_id], [daimon_type], [table_qualifier], [priority]) VALUES (1, 14, 3, N’vocabularyv5.public’, 0)
INSERT [dbo].[source_daimon] ([source_daimon_id], [source_id], [daimon_type], [table_qualifier], [priority]) VALUES (2, 14, 1, N’vocabularyv5.public’, 0)

SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[source_daimon] OFF

I hope this helps and reach out with any further questions!

Okay, thanks! This is great.

I think I got it figured out though. I remembered I had read access to the public database, and I was able to see how that was configured.

now works as expected!

Thanks again.

I have more questions about the multihomed.

Is the expectation to have multiple sources for cohort definitions, or is there only one source of truth for that?

Hi Charity - I believe that once your other tools (i.e. Hermes, Calypso) are configured to run off multihomed, the cohort definitions will then reside in the multihomed database. I will defer to @Frank for the official confirmation.


I think I have somewhat figured out. Thanks though!