WebAPI Catalina.out indicates permission denied for table source

Having experimented and successfully deployed Broadsea 3.0 (thanks to @Ajit_Londhe and @McClelland_Legge et al), I have started building a prod ready VM from scratch with additional tooling such a WebMin, LDAP Account Manager, and others, inspired by the PONOS Windows all-in-one installer. (ty @greshje.gmail)

I have gotten to the WebAPI .war deploy step, following the instructions for WebAPI and ATLAS on Github (WebAPI Installation Guide · OHDSI/WebAPI Wiki · GitHub). I completed the steps to create the db and the ohdsi_admin and ohdsi_app_user groups and users in postgres.

But I am getting a permission denied on table source. How/where do I check that the connection parameters and login/passwords are set correctly? (pom.xml)?

pom.xml (73.4 KB)
catalina_out.txt (105.3 KB)

It was a permissions error on the users/groups. I was able to fix in applications.properties.