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WebAPI Bigquery issue

I am running an instance of Atlas/WebAPI and hit an issue with cache warming. Specifically:
Don't know how to translate from sql server to bigquery. Valid target dialects are sql server.

This does not appear to be a problem with my JDBC connection string, since I observe BigQuery queries in the BigQuery log, and have no other errors in the Tomcat log. More likely there is an initialization issue with the code path that does cache warming.

Any thoughts on this? I’ve done a bunch of troubleshooting, but perhaps I missed something?

Also, is the following issue likely related? Atlas is running but the Data Sources page spins forever when accessing any entity (except ‘Person’). Can I assume this is due to the cache not being warmed? There is nothing in the WebAPI log corresponding to this action, so apparently there are no overt errors?

Atlas/WebAPI was working properly when I had fewer OMOP records, but the cache warming issue was also present then.

FWIW, I am using Atlas 2.7.8 via a GCP VM instance (https://docs.odysseusinc.com/gcp/OHDSI_ATLAS_v2.7.8.pdf)

