[WebAPI] ATLAS->Concept Set->Compare Concept Sets: 500 Error

When I try to compare concepts sets in ATLAS, I get the error:

POST 500 (Internal Server Error)
send @ jquery-1.11.2.min.js?_=kt7xch:4
ajax @ jquery-1.11.2.min.js?_=kt7xch:4
compareConceptSet @ VocabularyProvider.js?_=kt7xch:243
self.compareConceptSets @ conceptset-manager.js?_=kt7xch:791
(anonymous) @ knockout.min.js?_=kt7xch:83
dispatch @ jquery-1.11.2.min.js?_=kt7xch:3
r.handle @ jquery-1.11.2.min.js?_=kt7xch:3

When I run the url directly in WebApi, the JSON results contains:








      "message":"HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed",
      "localizedMessage":"HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed",


To recreate this error on the OHDSI ATLAS site, go to Concept Sets, select concept_id 1744875, click on Compare tab, and for concept 2, select 1744843, although it seems that the error occurs no matter what I select.

Hi @ssrobertson - sorry for the trouble here. That was a bug that has been fixed but has yet to be officially released to the public Atlas site. Here is the issue on GitHub:

We’re planning to address this with the upcoming V2.4 release of Atlas targeted for May 1.