WebAPI 1.5.0 and Atlas 1.4.0 Released

The following OHDSI tools have been relased on github and deployed to the OHDSI web:

WebAPI Version 1.5.0

New Features

HTTP Verb normalization: in preparation for the security layer to be introduced in version 2.0.0.
IR Analysis: added distribution calculations for TAR and TTO, and provided export to zip function.
Cohort Definition Correlated Criteria
Cohort Definition Censoring Events


Fix in results table qualifier in /cohortcomparison/sql/pop_prop_score.sql.
Fix for #137.
Cohort Definition optimizations: query and temp table performance improvements.
Fix for #144: Generate Cohort results in ‘Completed’ status when exception is thrown.
Fix for #146: Fixes for demographic criteria.
Fix for #155: Handle empty criteria groups gracefully.

Important Notes:

This will be the last release for WebAPI (except for hot-fixes that might be required on the 1.5.x codebase) with a dependency on JDK 1.7. The next release (v2.0.0) will implement security features that will require JDK 1.8.

New tables

The following tables were added to the ohdsi schema to store analysis results. If you have a mutli CDM configuration, you will need to deploy these tables manually. See http://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=documentation:software:webapi:multiple_datasets_configuration for details.

  • ir_analysis_dist

Atlas Version 1.4.0


Datasource navlink is now availalble
The selected nav in atlas will now appear in the browser title, as well as an * indicating unsaved work.
Cohort Nested Criteria
Cohort Censoring Events
Export IR Analysis data

Bug Fixes

#299: Handle Empty Inclusions
#302: IR UI Enhancements
#290: Apply proper HTTP Verbs in ajax requests
#257: Mapped checkboxes not working
#277: Limit cohort events was overwriting limit qualifying events in cohort definition
#256: Condition source concept was not saving properly.

Thank you.


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