Dear all:
I’m researching the best practices for mapping vocabularies for smartwatches data and I know that open mhealth with Radar has previous experience but I am not sure how did they apply it to their data, if @Maxim Moinat can shed the light on that part
also I know that there was a working group on the same area trying to use OMOP possibly @Seng Chan You can tell us his latest discoveries in the area
Has anyone built their own CDM extensions to house these kind of data? looking forward to hear your point of view, also I know there was some posters but I can not find actual mapping on the published papers.
If anyone has any papers they’ve read, send them my way. I’m just in an information gathering stage at present.
You can consider data from wearables - Oura ring, fitbit, Garmin, etc is a subset or a variant of similar data coming from typical medical devices found in the hospital (patient monitors - ECG, respiratory, SpO2, etc) and ambulatory monitors (event and holter ECG monitors as well as multi-parameter bluetooth devices). As such, there are SNOMED and LOINC codes to represent in a standard way the measurements and observations obtained from wearables. Visit type would be outpatient and other type concepts can be used to represent such data. My point is you don’t necessarily need to create a custom vocabulary and concepts to provide some level of coverage for wearable data. You will need to consider annotating these measurements per quality of the data and issues around aggregating multiple moderate sampling rate (ex 65 sps to 1 per min) measurements and observations to be imported into the CDM tables.
Thanks for your response and asking about Radar @MaximMoinat, that will be much appreciated, to answer your question its for exploring the state of the art, and I thought omop might be a good option to map to OHDSI standard concepts to query data through ATLAS