Voting on changes to the COST table

Yesterday in the CDM working group meeting Gowtham finished presenting his proposal #81 detailing changes to the COST table, including:

  • Add person_id and inccurred_date – (design principle)
  • Add incurred_date, billed_date and paid_date
  • Change Cost table structure - from wide to tall. (“normalized”, replace multiple cost columns with with cost_concept_id and cost_source_concept_id)

Voting on this topic is open from now until 12/12/2017 so please take a moment to read the proposal and then vote using the google form.


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@clairblacketer Should I agree with all or none of them? I love the third point! But I’m not sure with second point…(In Korean national insurance system, I don’t know how to extract incurred_data, billed_data, and paid_date separately from the original database)

@SCYou It’s totally up to you how you would like to vote :yum: . As far as the dates go, they will be optional fields so if you only have one date you can choose which date field in the table it best aligns with.

Good news! The voting is now closed on this topic and it was a unanimous yes! This table will be added to an upcoming version of the CDM!



For the 4th point on the proposal - there are terms for a “rival CDM” already in LOINC. see here:


How would the group like to handle the 4th point? By conventions (themis) or constraints (vocabulary and CDM). The 4th point is taking the constraints approach.