I would like to provide an example to represent 222 is child of 111 in the fact_relationship table.
What is the domain code I should use for the person table? (and what vocabulary ID should I look into when I search for it?)
domain_concept_id_1 and …id_2.
See my draft proposal below.
In fact, what are domain codes for all tables? (e.g., relationship between diagnosis and procedure) (the CDM v5.01 specs may want to list those)
We have some genomic data where biological parenthood is certain (the same is true for 99.9% of mothers delivering a baby in hospital
(except for rare cases of surrogacy).
I would like to add some more clarifying rules to the CDM v5 specifications.
Consider the following fact:
person_id 111 is “biological parent of” person_id 222
bilogical parent is SNOMED:13646006
CDMV (CDM Vocabulary) CID (concept_id) for this snomed code is: tbd
In final v5 CDM specs, the person_realtionship table was removed and we wisely decided to use fact_relationship
FACT_RELATIONSHIP has the following table fields
domain_concept _id_1 The concept representing the domain of fact one, from which the corresponding table can be inferred.
fact_id_1 The unique identifier in the table corresponding to the domain of fact one.
domain_concept_id_2 The concept representing the domain of fact two, from which the corresponding table can be inferred.
fact_id_2 The unique identifier in the table corresponding to the domain of fact two.
relationship_concept_id A foreign key to a standard concept identifier of relationship in the Standardized Vocabularies.
Hence to represent the person to person relationship
the table would contain the following two rows
fact_id_1: 111
fact_id_2: 222
relationship_concept_id: SNOMED:13646006
fact_id_1: 222
fact_id_2: 111
relationship_concept_id: SNOMED:75226009
domain concepts would be in both cases: (tbd)
We need to design a binding set of rules so that the same SQL code runds on many CDM instances.
I would like to propose an initial suggestion usinga simple appraoch and the following codes:
“biological parent SNOMED:13646006”
reverse would be
“biological child SNOMED:75226009”
X is mother of Y (Y is male) reverse: Y is son of X
X is mother of Y (Y is female) reverse: Y is daughter of X
Z is father of Y (Y is male) reverse: Y is son of Z
Z is father of Y (Y is female) reverse: Y is daughter of Z
See the URL below to see more SNOMED codes