Vocabulary release questions

We are going to make automated Vocabulary release notes and post them here:

If you have questions regarding vocabulary changes, and you can’t find the answers elsewhere on the forum, please post them on this thread.


Friends, maybe one of you can tell me, are we going to make Vocabulary release notes more detailed?
As far as I know, @Alexdavv has some thoughts to share…

correct link is https://github.com/OHDSI/Vocabulary-v5.0/releases/

If I see new vocabulary added (e.g. ,CIM10), I know the info is in vocabulary.csv

But I have a radical proposal - can we publish a page where we list publicaly the content of the vocabulary.csv file. e.g., post it into this github even.

We hear you, Vojtech!
Some of the information you can get from the download page in Athena, of course.
But I understand, we should make this more accessible. And we need to give the Vocabulary Wiki a lot of love and care.
Starting this week, we will announce the addition of new vocabularies to the list in a forum post.
Please provide input and suggestions what would be important for you as a “user”.

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