Vocabulary Mappings


We have a database built based on CDM OMOP and we wanted to check the robustness of the tables, so we are using R’s DataQualityDashboard to check if the data is structured correctly, but we have encountered the following problem:

We have seen that it is necessary to have the Vocabulary table built. The problem is that there are vocabularies that we cannot download from Athena (UCUM, Type Concept and Visit) and doing the manual mapping is a bit tedious.

Do you know of any way to make the mapping fast or to download the data?

Thank you


Dear @guibra (Guillem),
UCUM and Type Concepts are default vocabularies. You cannot initiate a download without getting them (I do hope you go through the download page?). Check your vocabulary table after importing all the downloaded content into your OMOP CDM. You should see them.