Vaccine concept mapping improvement

March 24 Meeting summary

This week we reviewed the problems associated with integration of CVX with the drug hierarchy. A draft document is in preparation.

The OHDSI vocab team uses a “top down/high level” approach to integrate CVX with ATC, RxNorm and other vaccine related vocabularies. The Merck team adopted a bottom up data driven approach by specifying the vaccine concepts, relationships and their issues occurred in real world databases. These two approaches complement each other and allow us to have a thorough investigation in vaccine vocabularies in OMOP CDM.

Yupeng highlighted three major opportunities for vaccine concept improvement

  1. Improve the hierarchy among vaccine concepts
  2. Check the mappings from source concepts to standard concepts to ensure the mappings are correct without losing useful information.
  3. Map all vaccine exposures to the drug domain.

Meeting agenda for next week 3/31

  • Denys will present findings from the manual review of “maps to” relationships
  • Mik will present slides explaining current thinking about integration of CVX with RxNorm and ATC

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