Using multiple vocabulary types for a single field

Have there been any issues identified with using multiple vocabulary types for a single target CDM field when mapping concepts from source data? Would this be considered acceptable practice or are there preferred approaches? Thank you.


Not sure what you mean. What’s a vocabulary type? How do you “use” them?

I was thinking that SNOMED or READ as being vocabulary types, but maybe they are just vocabularies?

Then my question is whether or not it is considered acceptable practice to convert source data concepts to OMOP concepts that belong to multiple vocabularies for a single CDM attribute.


Yes, they are vocabularies. There is a table VOCABULARY with all of them listed.

Next question: What is a “single CDM attribute”? Maybe it’s easier if you told us exactly the situation.

I think my provider specialty question is a good example (see link). There are two standard vocabularies (specialty and NUCC) for provider specialty, but neither is exhaustive enough to full map our home-grown list. In this situation, it would be nice if we could use both vocabularies in the specialty_concept_id field, but I do not know if that is allowed.


Yes. You can map to anything that has standard_concept=‘S’. They could be sourced from different vocabularies no problem.