So this is part of the docker-compose.yml
- env=webapi-postgresql
- security_origin=*
- datasource_driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver
- datasource_url=jdbc:postgresql://
- datasource.cdm.schema=cdm
- datasource.ohdsi.schema=ohdsi
- datasource_username=secret-user-name
- datasource_password=secret-user-password
- spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.default_schema=ohdsi
- spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
- spring.batch.repository.tableprefix=ohdsi.BATCH_
- flyway_datasource_driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver
- flyway_datasource_url=jdbc:postgresql://
- flyway_schemas=ohdsi
- flyway.placeholders.ohdsiSchema=ohdsi
- flyway_datasource_username=secret-user-name
- flyway_datasource_password=secret-user-password
- flyway.locations=classpath:db/migration/postgresql
which includes the configuration for datasource_url
and flyway_datasource_url
. I am not sure exactly which database datasource_url
and flyway_datasource_url
refers to?
We have two databases in the WebAPI/Atlas world: one is used solely by WebAPI so it can work correctly, another one is the real (and huge) clinical dataset in CDM format. These two databases have nothing to do with each other.
Sorry for my newbie question… For the datasource_url
and flyway_datasource_url
here in the yml file, are they both referring to the database tables used by WebAPI, or, are they both referring to the database tables that contain the clinical CDM data (and vocabularies)?
Thanks in advance for looking into my question.