Users not showing up aftering import users to Atlas from AD group


We use the “Import Users from LDAP/AD” function to import users from designated AD group to Atlas. I can run through the import process and assign Atlas role but have two questions/issues

  • The Atlas import wizard doesn’t allow me to choose which user to import from the AD group
  • When the import was successfully completed, I couldn’t see the new user in Atlas. I explored all the roles, including the one I assign during the import, but couldn’t find the new users. The new user only shows up in Atlas after that person’s first login.

Are those expected behavior?

Thank you


Would you be able help or point me to the right person who could help? Much appreciated!


In my experience, the import works best by attaching roles to security groups in AD. Then, when the import occurs, the group will import users from the sec group into the sec_user table and get assigned to the roles.

Are you certain all AD credentials and settings are correct? I had to play with other AD/LDAP tools to confirm our settings before finally getting it to work.


Do you mean attaching Atlas roles to security group in AD? how do I verify AD settings are correct?
