Wondering if I am doing something incorrectly.
I am running my source EHR data through Usagi for the first time! I started with procedures, specifically source codes that are also CPT codes. I did this because I thought this would be the easiest/cleanest domain for a newbie (I would love any feedback on this choice).
Phosphorus the lab test is mapping to phosphorus the drug ingredient. Even with the CPT code 84100. Usagi gives it a 0.69 match score
Here’s the problem:
If you are mapping lab tests or “Measurements” as we call it (in this case measurement of phosphorus in the serum or plasma) you need to limit the target to the “Measurement” domain. The RxNorm concept you are showing is in the “Drug” Domain. You will find SNOMED and LOINC-based concepts. There should be measurements of Phosphorus.
Actually, I’m mapping what my source system calls “procedures”. I have found that this includes procedures (i.e. ultrasound), measurements (i.e. lab tests), conditions (i.e. bronchospasm), etc. All these source codes are CPT. It’s messy. And it looks worse the further I delve into it. Does anyone have any advice on how to easily and reliably divide out the CPT codes by domain? Then I can follow Christian’s advice above for a more efficient mapping process.