Updating OHDSI.org

Just a reminder that we are working to update OHDSI.org in time for the 2019 OHDSI symposium.

If you have an OMOP CDM please review the 2019 Data Network table:

If your database is not listed, please email me at beaton@ohdsi.org by 5pm ET today with the following details:

  • Database Name
  • Data Type
  • Contact person and email
  • Country
  • Number of patients
  • CDM status (CDM in progress, complete)
  • Tools running

If you are an active OHDSI collaborator and have updates to make to your OHDSI profile please email Craig Sachson at sachson@ohdsi.org by 5pm ET on Thursday with you profile updates. If you do not have an OHDSI profile and would like one, please send Craig the following information by 5pm ET on Thursday:

  • Your name, job title and affiliation (as you would like them to appear on your profile)
  • A two-paragraph bio
  • A head shot
  • A list of selected publications that are relevant or noteworthy to OHDSI

Last chance to send updates for OHDSI.org!

If you have updated information, or a new database to add to our data network table (below), please send them to beaton@ohdsi.org no later that 12pm ET tomorrow

If you have updates to make to your collaborator page, or would like to request a collaborator profile, please let @CraigSachson (sachson@ohdsi.org) know by 5pm ET tomorrow.

is there a call today now? how can i join?