Update on global antibiotic use for acne characterization protocol

Dear collaborators,

  1. Last week several of us met at the American Academy of Dermatology
    annual meeting in Orlando, FL, (Bob Dellavalle, Rene Domozych, Jonathan Silverberg, David Margolis, and John Barbieri)
    to review the protocol in person.
    Here is the link to the GoogleDoc with the most recent version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1baPHccNGfQtUNEY-bzIqTGGz7E8zbMBS_62nKDI8kGo/edit#heading=h.123fmq70bpn0
    When the protocol is finished we will post it on the OHDSI wiki.

  2. International acne expert Jerry Tan MD and dermatology
    outcomes research expert April Armstrong MD (Assistant Dean for Research at
    USC Medical School) were invited to join the project.

  3. Dr. Dellavalle’s research fellow, Chante Karimkhani MD, will be taking a
    co-leading role with medical students Renee Domozych and Stephanie Chapman.

  4. Chante submitted a grant proposal ($10K) to the American Acne and
    Rosacea Society to provide some funds for this project.
    we will find out by the end of March if the grant was successful.

  5. Bob, Renee, Stephanie, and Chante are holding conference calls
    to hammer out the last details of the protocol
    We expect to post the final OHDSI protocol by April 1.

-Bob (aka AcneBob)

Robert Dellavalle, MD, PhD, MSPH
Professor of Dermatology and Public Health
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Colorado School of Public Health
Chief, Dermatology Service
US Department of Veterans Affairs
Eastern Colorado Health Care System

1055 Clermont St. #165
Denver, CO 80220
ph. 303-399-8020 x2475

We now have commitments from U. of Colorado Hospital, Childrens Hospital Colorado, and U. Columbia to provide data for our descriptive study of antibiotic use for acne. We have also added a new funded fellow Chandler Rundle, MD, and statistician Megan Branda to our project team. We will be finalizing our protocol for the OHDSi community after meeting with our content experts one more time during the American Academy of Dermatology meeting in Denver March 20-24, 2020. Looking forward to wider participation in our project by more members of the OHDSI community.
