
ICD9CM code ‘616.9’, ‘616.89’, ‘616.89’ Unspecified inflammation of the vagina maps to disorder of male genital organ. Had this as an issue in vocabulary git, maybe will get more attention in the forum. Confirmed in Athena.

concept_code concept_name concept_code concept_name
616.9 Unspecified inflammatory disease of cervix, vagina, and vulva 128478005 Inflammatory disorder of male genital organ
616.89 Other inflammatory disease of cervix, vagina and vulva 128478005 Inflammatory disorder of male genital organ

This continues to be a problem. Would enter as an issue, but I am not sure which github repository is monitored for vocabulary corrections.

Hello! You can report all Vocabulary and mapping issues to https://github.com/OHDSI/Vocabulary-v5.0/issues

Problem with these mappings is noted, but we have not updated the vocabulary yet.