Unrecognized field "IgnoreObservationPeriod"

When trying to run a cohort generation the failed message appears on ATLAS.

Looking into the logs the following error message shows up:
java.lang.RuntimeException: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field “IgnoreObservationPeriod” (class org.ohdsi.circe.cohortdefinition.CorelatedCriteria), not marked as ignorable (5 known properties: “Occurrence”, “StartWindow”, “EndWindow”, “Criteria”, “RestrictVisit”])

The same cohort has been successfully used in the past so it doesn’t seem to be a problem with the user input. There were no record of any sql actually being run and the error coming from that so it seems it is a problem with atlas trying to create the sql to run against the database.

Any help or other insights anyone might have would be greatly appreciated.



The field is defined here. However it is attempting to deserialize CorelatedCriteria, which is defined here, which is a subclass. There was an update (but a long time ago) where we restructured the classes so that we moved those attributes from CorelatedCriteria into a super-class called WindowedCriteria (see here). But, according to your error, it is finding all the attributes (‘Occurrence’, ‘StartWindow’, etc) but not IgnoreObservationePeriod, so that says you’re using an older version of WebAPI.

So, a few questions:

What version of Atlas and WebAPI are you using? It could be that you’re using a version of the WebAPI environment that isn’t aligned with the version of Atlas.

I will also need to try to test this function myself in case some new version of Atlas may have messed something up.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the quick reply.
Both the WebAPI and Atlas are on version 2.5.0 so pretty old at this point.
I don’t think they have been updated since the install.

Thanks again for the help.

Yes, I think you need to update your WebAPI/Atlas. The 2.5.0 version you are runnign on is using circe v1.6.0, but that new property was added in 1.7.1 which was released with WebAPI 2.7.0. But, since we’re up to WebAPI 2.10, you may consider upgrading.