They already are SNOMED, and they don’t need to be mapped, because they are Standard Concepts. The concept IDs you list are the concept IDs of those codes.
But I’m not concerned with mapping them. Instead I’m more interested in finding out what vocabulary those source values might belong to. A client expected to find those concept IDs in one of our data sets and I just want to confirm the source values he’s expecting them to be mapped from aren’t even from a vocabulary used in that data set.
Do you have access to the vocabulary table? In your example, these are the same things. First, you list the concept_codes, then the concept_ids, but the concepts are the same. It’s like saying “Manan, Christian, Barack, Donald” and then “Patel, Reich, Obama, Trump”.
select * from concept where concept_code='824841000000105';
select * from concept where concept_id=44809233;
Ohh I see where the confusion is. I failed to understand the concept_code itself was from SNOMED vocabulary from your original comment (assumed just the target was SNOMED). I must have misread the vocabulary table the first time I searched it too. Still learning!