Unable to connect to an instance of the WebAPI


I added data to the drug_era table and re-ran the Achilles package. After that, I cannot use Atlas; it keeps giving me the following error:

This is the same version of WebAPI and Atlas that have been working for a long time. I redeployed both of the webapps a couple of times, and it did not help. There are no error messages in the catalina log.

Any suggestions about how to troubleshoot and fix the problem are very much appreciated.

Wanted to add the screenshot from the Chrome console:

and the fact that the endpoint http://localhost:8080/WebAPI/source/sources works fine.
Thank you,

I see in your second screenshot there is ‘app instantiation failed’, in main.js. Could you expand that and see if the message below reports any additional detail?

In addition, can you confirm which version of WebAPI and Atlas you are running?

Also, please don’t cross post, we only want to have to answer in one thread. Thanks!

Dear Chris,

I discovered that corrupted application.properties files within WebAPI were causing the application to malfunction. Fixing these files resolved the issue. However, the cause of the corruption remains unclear.

I am using Atlas 2.13 and WebAPI 2.14 in all my installations
One forum post suggested using the same version of Atlas and WebAPI. Is this requirement accurate? And is there a way to enable additional logging?

Apologies for the duplicate post. I attempted to delete the other one but was unsuccessful.

I also apologize for not answering sooner. I did not receive notifications about your replies.

Thank you very much for all your help.

You should try to use same version of webapi and atlas.

The values in application.properties comes from the fales in your settings.xml file (and the selected maven profle (the -P flag) when you build WebAPI. If you got it working through application properties, that’s fine, but next time you build/deploy you’ll run into the same problems.