UCUM Maps to Relationship Missing Values

There are UCUM concepts that do not map to themselves. Shows up in V4.5 source to concept map to UCUM. The value uL/g is a valid UCUM unit, but is not in the source_to_concept_map table. There are 58 other similar entries.

Points out a need to maintain the source to concept map table so that you can map various source ‘unit’ values to UCUM.

Query to identify missing Maps to for UCUM units

SELECT concept.concept_code, map.concept_code AS mapped
SELECT concept.concept_code
FROM concept
WHERE vocabulary_id = ‘UCUM’ and domain_id = ‘Unit’ and invalid_reason IS NULL
) concept
( SELECT source.concept_code
FROM concept source
JOIN concept_relationship ON concept_id_1 = source.concept_id
JOIN concept target on target.concept_id = concept_id_2
WHERE source.vocabulary_id = ‘UCUM’ AND source.domain_id = ‘Unit’ and source.invalid_reason IS NULL
AND target.vocabulary_id = ‘UCUM’ and target.domain_id = ‘Unit’ and target.invalid_reason IS NULL
) map ON map.concept_code = concept.concept_code
) where mapped IS NULL


Got it. Will put in.

On the other hand: Ucum is never a source, at least I haven’t heard of it. Instead, everybody has their own c***y input units, as ugly as “mcgs” for micrograms. There is no way those mappings can be maintained centrally.