THEMIS-Focus Group 2

Using this to share more on the Observation period, payer plan, cost, visit_occurrence Focus Group in THEMIS.

The wiki URL for this sub-group is:

If you would like to join this sub-group, just call into our bi-weekly call or contact @plpo

We will use this to post any activity that goes on with the group or decisions made by the group.

Our next call is Wednesday, April 11th at Noon EDT. Please use the following call in details if you wish to participate in the call…

Join WebEx meeting
Meeting number: 743 229 610

Join by phone
Call-in toll-free number: 1-877-5659999 (US)
Call-in number: 1-617-9392838 (US)
Show global numbers
Attendee access code: 556 090 61

Global Access Numbers:
Brazil Toll Free: 0800 047 4619
Brazil Toll: 55 1147001574
Philippines Toll Free : 180089086513
Philippines Toll Free : 180018880913
Can’t join the meeting? Contact support.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that this WebEx service allows audio and other information sent during the session to be recorded, which may be discoverable in a legal matter. By joining this session, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you do not consent to being recorded, discuss your concerns with the host or do not join the session…

Meeting minutes are posted: