The concepts in CONCEPT table is defined by OHDSI itself?

I am confused about the concept table. Is there some rules for the items inserted into concept table that we can follow?In other words, is there some standardized concepts we can map our data elements to?

In a few words: you can map to any of the concepts that have standard_concept=S.
We have a couple of vocabularies that are considered standard in each domain ( like SNOMED for the condition domain or UCUM for units of measure). You also can find the standard counterparts for those that have standard_concept=NULL by following ‘Maps to’ relationship in concept_relationship table.


As @aostropolets said. What she didn’t say is that we will give you the content of the CONCEPT table. And the mappings for many of them. Please visit Athena, register and click on Download. There, you have a list of vocabularies you can chose from, depending on what you need. Some of them are mandatory.

so, for the concepts that don’t appear in the concept table and we cannot find the relationship in concept_ancestor or concept_relationship, we can only add a new normal concept whose standard_concept=NULL?

Do you have an example, @Mengyang_Li?