I was advised to post my question (originally sent to the LAERTES developers directly) to this forum.
From: Peng, Xiaoping
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2015 5:21 PM
Subject: RE: FW: Your new OHDSI LAERTES postgresql database read-only
It does
but then you get entries that don’t have hoi_concept_id = 500000801
copy and paste this thread to the OHDSI forum later.
From: Richard Boyce [mailto:rdb20@pitt.edu]
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2015 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Your new OHDSI LAERTES postgresql database read-only
This simplifies
things a bit and I thing still works…
select rxnorm_drug, drug, hoi_concept_id, hoi_concept_name, hoi, snomed_hoi
from public.drug_hoi_relationship relationship
join public.lu_ref_set_hoi_def ref_set on ref_set.condition_concept_id =
where hoi in
(select condition_concept_id from public.lu_ref_set_hoi_def
where hoi_concept_id = 500000801)
order by drug;
Lili - to help archive our discussions, would you please ask any new questions
on the OHDSI forums (http://forums.ohdsi.org/c/developers)?
Please use LAERTES in the subject line.
On 11/13/2015 04:15 PM, Peng, Xiaoping wrote:
Actually I got the query to work:
/OMOP acute myocardial infarction 1/
select rxnorm_drug, drug, hoi_concept_id, hoi_concept_name, hoi, snomed_hoi
from public.drug_hoi_relationship relationship
join public.lu_ref_set_hoi_def ref_set on ref_set.condition_concept_id =
where hoi in
(select condition_concept_id from public.lu_ref_set_hoi_def
where hoi_concept_id in (500000801))
and hoi_concept_id = 500000801
order by drug;
From: Peng, Xiaoping
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2015 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Your new OHDSI LAERTES postgresql database read-only
Hi Erica,
Thanks for the explanation.
Right now I’m trying to write a query that answers the question:
What drugs/medications are
associated with acute myocardial infarction?
I’m using concept_id = 500000801 for
Acute myocardial infarction 1. Based on
http://omop.org/hoi) the description for this
condition is “Broad definition with hospitalization”.
So I write the query to pull the drugs
from the DRUG_EVIDENCE_RELATIONSHIP table, as follows:
SELECT drug, hoi, * from
public.concept concept
join public.drug_hoi_relationship relationship on concept.concept_id =
where concept_id = 500000801;
But my search turns up nothing.
I had also tried including 500000801 in quotations marks, ‘500000801’, but
still I get no results.
Do you have any ideas on how
I should edit my query to pull the drugs related to this HOI?
thank you,