Table exists for BATCH_JOB_INSTANCE error seen trying to deploy WebAPI against Broadsea

I’m trying to deploy WebAPI pointing to an instance of Broadsea. The connections seem to all work, however I’m getting the following error:

SQL State  : 42P07
Error Code : 0
Message    : ERROR: relation "batch_job_instance" already exists
Location   : db/migration/postgresql/V1.0.0.1__schema-create_spring_batch.sql (C:\_YES_POLITES\servers\apache-tomcat\apache-tomcat-8.5.85-windows-x64\webapps\WebAPI\WEB-INF\classes\db\migration\postgresql\V1.0.0.1__schema-create_spring_batch.sql)

Complete output, settings.xml, and the for the deployed war file are attached. I’m working from the current master branch checked out from github.

full-output.txt (70.2 KB)
settings.xml (5.1 KB) (9.4 KB)

The fix here is to point WebAPI to an empty webapi schema. For the Broadsea case, I created a schema called webapi_dev and pointed WebAPI to this. That fixed the issue.