We have a survey data which has questions like ‘How many kms did youvrun in the past 1 month?’ and more questions which is about patient lifestyle / social things etc .
How or where can I store this data in CDM? Is “observation” table used for storing data like this?
Am I right to understand then that I have to create my own concepts for survey data in our concepts table?
Can I create my own columns in any of the cdm tables for our purpose of analysis?
Hello @SCYou - Thanks for the response. Am I right to understand that Survey data doesn’t necessarily have to be treated as a separate data source? Instead the survey data can be put under survey_conduct and observation table which can then be made part of the same CDM instance? Instead of having two instances
Hello @SCYou - Is there any sample data (Demo data) or doc that you can share/direct me to a resource that can help me understand survey data mapping with “Observation” and “Survey_Conduct” table? Currently, we are waiting to receive the data. For example, our questions might be like how many hours did you run in the past 1 month? Values might be like >5 hours and <10 hours, <5 hours , > 10 hours, “did not run” etc. Currently am not able to kind of imagine how to code this? Should I create my own concepts? If yes, then these questions might be very specific to local data, can I just include few concepts in our concept table then?
If I feel the requirement/ new concept caters to the local population, I can add concepts of my interest in Concept table. Guess I don’t have to take any formal approval from working group.
Concept Id can be of my choice: Ex: 200000000001,200000000002 etc like this?