I am working with survey data as well but have got few queries.
Answers/Responses to the survey questions should be stored only in the columns “Value_as_concept_id”, “Value_as_number”,“Value_as_string” etc based on their datatype. Am I right? There are no columns as “Observation_as_concept_id”, “Observation_as_number”,“Observation_as_string”.
What is the difference between OBSERVATION_EVENT_ID and OBS_EVENT_FIELD_CONCEPT_ID? I understand that OBSERVATION_EVENT_ID will be Survey_Conduct_Id but what goes into OBS_EVENT_FIELD_CONCEPT_ID? Any example please?
difference between Visit_Detail and Visit_Occurrence fields? Any example please
Currently, we use 5.3.1 version of CDM. Is it okay to bring Survey_Conduct table for our CDM instance (5.3.1)?
Q1: Can we use survey_conduct for case when there are some procedures/measurements/etc. in source data united under one questionnaire?
Or, as convention says, survey_conduct is only
to store an instance of a completed survey or questionnaire
Q2: what kind of domains are suitable for survey_concept_id?