Thanks for your work!
1). As Dmytry mentioned, mappings to non-standard concepts are not permissible in OMOP. Thus, to avoid this in some cases we map concepts either to the Measurement or Observation domain. These domains allow to represent any values (e.g.‘Abnormal’), using relatiobnship_id ‘Maps to value’ (in Athena - ‘value_as_concept map’)
R74.8 35211422 Abnormal levels of other serum enzymes
Maps to 4046263 Enzyme measurement
Maps to value 4135493 Abnormal
2). Also we should inform you, that in a case, when the name of ICD concept (independently to the iteration) contains ‘condition AND condition’, it directly means ‘OR’. Because these conditions don’t occur simultaneously (you can check it there or there ICD-10 Version:2016). That’s why there is only one way to represent this data correctly: to map it UP to the ancestor (common parental concept for both conditions):
N93.9 45592158 Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding, unspecified
Maps to 4169954 Genitourinary tract hemorrhage
I48 45596206 Atrial fibrillation and flutter
Maps to 4068155 17366009 Atrial arrhythmia
(But not 4108832 195080001 Atrial fibrillation and flutter - according to SNOMED hierarchy, these are simultaneous conditions)
453.8 44834756 Acute venous embolism and thrombosis of other specified veins
Maps to 4028367 Acute disease of cardiovascular system
(But not 318775 234049002 Venous embolism only)
The same idea with "condition OR condition" (Accidental puncture or laceration during a procedure, not elsewhere classified).
We can’t map to the only one condition in this case. That’s why we map it UP to the common parental concept.
I63.5 45605808 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of cerebral arteries
Maps to 443454 Cerebral infarction
(but not ‘35610085 cerebral infarction due to stenosis of cerebral artery’ only)
3). Some suggested concepts look like correct according to the name, but, unfortunately, they are incorrect due to specific reasons:
– SNOMED hierarchy:
For example, you propose to map
‘Z89.6 1576257 Acquired absence of leg above knee’
‘4203427 308685008 Amputated leg’,
but if you look at the ancestor of this concept, you will see:
‘4100593 299644008 Postprocedural finding of lower limb’.
That indicates that a leg was amputated during a procedure, but concerning the ICD concept name, this fact is UNKNOWN. Therefore, accidental traumatic amputation can take place too. That’s why we will correct current ICD10CM mapping to
‘37109843 723722000 Absence of lower limb’ + ‘42537748 737303004 Acquired absence of organ’ (muscles, bones and vessels of this body part are considered to be organ’s combination)
– rules for exclusion in ICD guides:
For instance,
R63.0 35211405 Anorexia (ICD10CM)
783.0 44832712 Anorexia (ICD9CM)
Can’t be mapped to 436675 Anorexia nervosa, because of:
Coding Notes for R63.0
Anorexia nervosa - instead, use code F50.0
Loss of appetite of nonorganic origin - instead, use code F50.8
783.0 Excludes
anorexia nervosa (307.1)
loss of appetite of nonorganic origin (307.59) 2012 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 783.0 : Anorexia
Please, look at the attached file to see more comments!suggested_ICD10_mapping_comments.xlsx (17.3 KB)