If the fetus is stillborn during delivery, I cannot include it in the person
table because it does not have an observation period. Is that correct? I have diagnoses of malformations for the stillborn fetus, but I cannot find a way to include them. If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi @katiasantaca:
I appreciate you reaching out to me in particular.
Yeah, the problem is that stillborn children never become patients with an EHR record and insurance claims. So, anything about stillborn should be found in the mother’s record. Do you have the mother’s record?
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Thank you for the response, yes, I have the mother’s record, so:
- All Stillbirths-related data should be recorded under the mother’s record.
- Stillbirths clinical conditions should be stored in the Condition Occurrence table of the mother.
- Stillbirths biometrics can be included in the Measurement table of the mother.
- Pregnancy outcomes (Stillbirth/Fetal Death) should be recorded in the Observation table.
Sounds about right. Want to bring it to Themis? @MPhilofsky?
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I created a new issue in the Themis!
The discussion will now continue in the Themis GitHub issue linked above, so we don’t have two separate conversations happening at once.
Thanks, @katiasantaca for creating the issue!
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