Continuing the private conversation that came out of the Steering Committee meeting on the forums:
@Christian_Reich, @gregk, I would say:
- Creating a, but for OHDS studies
- Disseminating study code
Let’s not have the “can’t have R packages” discussion again. See here and here.
ARACHNE: I * think * ARACHNE might be useful for OHDSI, but I have yet to see it in action. If we are serious about implementing ARACHNE in the OHDSI network, I recommend:
- Creating documentation on how to install ARACHNE (or is it already somewhere? Google can’t find it)
- Creating documentation on how to use ARARCHNE
- Use ARACHNE in some pilot OHDSI network studies
- Learn from these experiences to find out real-world requirements for ARACHNE, and make it really good
As Kristin mentioned, I would mostly be interested in getting some minimum meta-data in place to help make some sense of what is in which repo. I moved one of my study repos into ohdsi-studies, and have added some example minimum meta-data elements to the README.